Circuit Lower Bounds and Relativized PSPACE = PH 193
was one of the primary motivations for the study of the complexity of
constant-depth circuits.
At the end of this lecture, we set up the machinery needed to prove that
Parity is not in AC
, then dive into the details in Lecture 31. Our proof is
a minor variant of the original proof of Furst, Saxe, and Sipser [46], which
introduced the idea of a random partial valuation. This was one of the first
applications of probability to lower bound proofs, although the conclusion
is not probabilistic at all.
Unfortunately, this result is not strong enough to obtain an oracle sepa-
rating PSPACE from PH . Stronger bounds achieving separation were first
obtained by Yao [126] and H˚astad [56]. A complete proof of H˚astad’s result
is given in Supplementary Lecture H.
Parity and the Class AC
A parity function is a Boolean function {0, 1}
→{0, 1} whose value
changes whenever any one of its inputs changes. There are exactly two
such functions for any n, namely the function that computes the mod-2
sum of its inputs and the function that computes the complement of this
value. We refer to these functions collectively as Parity.
We have studied uniform families of Boolean circuits previously in Lec-
tures 11 and 12. Recall that the complexity class NC discussed in those lec-
tures was defined in terms of logspace-uniform families of Boolean circuits
of polylog depth and polynomial size. There was also a degree restriction:
the gates of the circuits were binary ∧ and ∨ or unary ¬ gates.
To define the class AC
, we restrict to constant depth, but we relax
the degree restriction to allow ∧ and ∨ gates to compute the conjunction
and disjunction, respectively, of an unbounded number of Boolean inputs
in one step. (It is easy to show that no function of a single output that
depends on all its inputs can be computed by a circuit of bounded degree
in o(log n)depth.)
For example, for fixed k, the Boolean function that returns 1 if at least
k of its inputs are 1 can be computed by an AC
circuit of size
+1 and
depth 2 as
S ⊆{x
,... ,x
|S | =k
As with NC , the official definition of AC
includes a uniformity con-
dition. However, we are concerned here only with lower bounds, and any
lower bound that we can derive for nonuniform circuits holds a fortiori for
uniform circuits, so we can conveniently ignore this issue.
We can also assume without loss of generality that all negations are ap-
plied to inputs only, and that the gates are arranged in levels with inputs