102 Lecture 15
(i) The verifier V chooses a random permutation of {1, 2,... ,n}.This
requires roughly n log n random bits. It applies the permutation to
the vertices of the graphs G and H to get G
and H
, respectively.
Then V flips a coin. If it comes up heads, it sends G
to P , and if it
comes up tails, it sends H
to P .
(ii) The prover P checks whether G on its input tape and the graph
sent to it by V are isomorphic, say by exhautively searching
for an isomorphism, and communicates its finding—isomorphic or
nonisomorphic—honestly to V .
(iii) V takes the following action based on its coin flip and the prover’s
If the flip is and P responds then do this
heads isomorphic continue
heads nonisomorphic reject immediately
tails isomorphic reject immediately
tails nonisomorphic continue
If the protocol makes it all the way through k rounds, then V accepts,
convinced with a high degree of certainty that G and H are not isomorphic.
Now let us argue that V has good reason to be convinced. Suppose
that G and H really are not isomorphic. The prover P , because it plays
honestly, will always answer “isomorphic” when passed a permutation of G
and “nonisomorphic” when passed a permutation of H, so the second and
third rows of the table will never occur. The protocol will make it through
all k rounds successfully and V will accept with probability 1.
On the other hand, suppose G and H are isomorphic. In each round, V
will send the prover a random permutation of G or H, depending on the
result of its coin flip, but the prover cannot tell the difference. It cannot
see V ’s random bits or worktape; it must make its decisions purely on
the basis of the message from V . A dishonest prover P
into erroneously accepting, must respond “nonisomorphic” whenever V ’s
flip was tails and “isomorphic” whenever V ’s flip was heads, but there
is no way it can tell which of these two events occurred. The chances of
accidentally choosing the correct alternative k times in a row are 2
. 2
In the next two lectures we prove a remarkable theorem: IP = PSPACE .
Interactive proof systems and the class IP were defined by Goldwasser,
Micali, and Rackoff [49]. A related model, called Arthur–Merlin games,was
defined by Babai [8].