Multi-Scale PDE-Based Design of Hierarchically Structured Porous Catalysts
At this point, one could provide all the information that a gradient-based optimiza-
tion package needs to solve the problem consisting of Eqs. (2a-b). The gradient, Eq.
(10), is the so-called reduced gradient, therefore the implementation strategy con-
structed here is called the reduced gradient method [15]. According to the above
discussion, the reduced gradient method could be readily implemented on the basis
of existing software to solve a PDE-based optimization problem. Furthermore, in
this implementation framework, the software can be freely chosen among those that
can perform the aforementioned calculations. This feature can be employed to tailor
the implementation to different problems. It should be mentioned that the reduced
gradient can be calculated either by Eqs. (9-10) or by numerical differentiation. The
fact that both methods should yield the same value for the reduced gradient can be
employed in debugging the code.
3 PDE-based design of hierarchically structured porous catalysts
In this section, the above strategy is applied to solve the model problem that arises
from the optimal design of hierarchically structured porous catalysts. Catalysts are
essential for the fast and selective chemical transformation of raw materials to prod-
ucts, for instance, crude oil to gasoline, diesel and plastics. Discovery of more ef-
ficient catalysts therefore has a large economical impact. Note that, among the top
ten in the Fortune Global 500, six are chemical companies [16]. Discovery of more
efficient catalysts also helps to protect the environment, since catalysts are used in
emission control and waste water treatment. It also contributes to saving energy and
resources and, consequently, building a sustainable future.
One way to design more efficient catalysts is to structure the catalysts in a rational
way. The idea is the following: catalysts are usually nanoporous materials, or they
are formed by the dispersion of nanoparticles over the internal surface of nanoporous
materials. These nanoporous materials often have an extremely large internal surface
area, which is beneficial because catalytic reactions occur on the surface. Note that
the internal surface area of one gram of nanoporous catalyst could be as large as the
area of five tennis courts! However, this huge internal surface could be inaccessible,
limiting the efficient use of the catalytic materials, since molecular transport in the
nanopores is substantially slower than that in the bulk, and the nanopores are easy to
block. This indicates that, apart from the nanopores where reactions actually occur,
a ”distribution” network of large pores is needed for the catalyst, just like a road
network is needed for a city. One important question is how to design this distribu-
tion network for optimal catalyst performance. PDE-based optimizations were used
to study this question [9,17-19]. Note that the PDE-based optimization is a multi-
scale problem because of two reasons: (1) there is a network of narrow nanopores
that are part of a porous matrix (treated as a continuum in the paper, as is justified
by earlier research); (2) the size of the large pores is allowed to span a few orders
of magnitude in the optimizations, even if it could eventually turn out that a broad
distribution of large pore diameters is not the optimal solution.