G. Abbate, B.J. Thijsse, and C.R. Kleijn
pressure, where
becomes large, or flows with very small dimension L, e.g. mi-
crofluidics. The high Kn numbers in these flows indicate that a molecule travels a
significant distance (compared to L) between collisions. For an internal flow, this
implies that wall interactions occur more frequently and become important in de-
scribing the flow. In this regime, the flow can no longer be described as a continuum
and the well known transport equations, or more precisely, the relations for the shear
tensor and the heat flux, can no longer be used. In this regime, the particulate na-
ture of the gas becomes important and a different simulation method must be used.
The mathematical model at this level is the Boltzmann equation [1]. It provides in-
formation on the position, velocity and state of every molecule at all times. As a
consequence of its complexity, the Boltzmann equation is not amenable to analyti-
cal solution for non-trivial problems.
In the continuum regime, numerical simulations can be done using (commercially
available) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes based on partial differen-
tial equations describing the transport phenomena, e.g. the Navier-Stokes equations.
Especially for laminar flows, these codes can produce accurate results for Knudsen
numbers up to 0.01, but start deviating from reality for higher Kn. It is generally
accepted that the range of applicability of these continuum codes can be extended
into the rarefied regime up to Kn ≈ 0.1 by using special boundary conditions to take
into account the possibility of a velocity slip or temperature jump at a surface [2]. In
this method, however, the precise formulation of the slip velocity and temperature
jump boundary conditions is strongly geometry dependent [3, 4, 5].
Gas flows with Kn > 10 are called ”free molecular flows”. In this regime, inter-
molecular collisions rarely occur and the flow is completely dominated by the inter-
action between the gas and the walls. Gas flows in the free molecular regime can be
simulated using Molecular Dynamics (MD) or ballistic models.
In the intermediate (0.01 < Kn < 10) or rarefied regime, both collisions with solid
surfaces and with other gas molecules are important, and therefore have to be in-
cluded in the simulation to obtain an accurate result. The Direct Simulation Monte
Carlo (DSMC) method as developed by Bird [6] is the only practical engineering
method that can be used in the rarefied regime. The DSMC method is also valid
in free molecular and continuum regimes, although the computational expenses be-
come very large in the latter case. Its computational expenses, in fact, scale with
and become prohibitively large when Kn becomes lower than ∼ 0.05.
In summary, one can simulate gas flows with Kn < 0.01 (or, with modifications
of boundary conditions < 0.1) using continuum based CFD models, and gas flows
with Kn > 0.05 with particle based DSMC methods. In many practical applications,
however, gas flows undergo spatial and/or temporal transitions from low (< 0.05)
to high (> 0.05) Kn numbers, e.g. due to varying pressure or dimensions. Examples
include: flow around vehicles at high altitudes, particularly re-entry of vehicles in a
planetary atmosphere [7], flow through microfluidic gas devices [8], small cold gas
thruster nozzle and plume flows [9], and low pressure thin film deposition processes
from expanding plasma or gas jets [10].
Different solutions have been proposed to compute flows undergoing such transi-
tions. The most widely studied method is to use hybrid models coupling contin-