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First, the MIS sequence includes “model evolution” (Clement, 2008; White &
Frederiksen, 1998) as a central feature. Contrasting with a simpler approach that
begins with the teacher’s presentation of a sophisticated set of scientific models at
the outset, MIS takes an alternative approach in which students begin by construct-
ing their own models and continue to evaluate and revise those incomplete models as
they gather further information such as empirical evidence and advanced explana-
tory features. We theorize that this sequencing helps cultivate authentic scientific
inquiry about and with scientific models among students. This becomes apparent
when model-based scientific inquiry in MIS is contrasted with the widely (mis-)
practiced school science inquiry known as “the scientific method” (Windschitl,
Thompson, & Braaten, 2008). In the traditional school-based scientific method,
students often construct a hypothesis much like a prediction, confuse patterns in
empirical data with a conclusion to the hypothesis, and do not link the conclu-
sion (patterns) to an explanatory theory or model. In contrast, model-based inquiry
engages students in scientists’ authentic inquiry they perform with models which
bears the feature of model evolution.
Second, we included empirical investigations in MIS with an intention to provide
students an opportunity to recognize and utilize the significant role of empirical evi-
dence in modeling. Departing from a naïve understanding that scientific knowledge
can be obtained directly from natural phenomena, we support the idea that sci-
entific knowledge is constructed through processes that involve various—material
and symbolic—tools and are considered legitimate in the scientific community
(Latour & Woolgar, 1979). Of such processes, empirical investigation has been
highly valued in the scientific community’s epistemic enterprise. By incorporating
this feature in MIS, we hoped that students would be able to appreciate a founda-
tional role of empirical evidence as they tried to resolve discrepancies they might
find between their prediction based on their model and the empirical evidence they
would have. Further, we hoped to find them utilize empirical evidence in their mod-
eling practice—primarily in model evaluation and revision (since these practices
come after empirical investigations in MIS) and also in model construction and use.
Third, computer simulations in the MIS are intended to introduce students to
scientific explanation of natural phenomena. While the nature of scientific expla-
nation is an ongoing subject in philosophy of science (Woodward, 2010), we think
it is important to have students note and appropriate some scientific explanatory
features from simulations in their modeling practice. Because ways of explaining
in students’ everyday lives are somewhat different from scientific explanation (for
example, students tend to tell stories or narratives in their everyday discourse), we
expected students to benefit from being exposed to scientific ways of explaining
phenomena in computer simulations. As they see the explanatory features of com-
puter simulations such as animated mechanisms, students might appropriate some
of these mechanisms in their own modeling practice.
Finally, we aimed to introduce scientists’ social interactions and norms by
including peer evaluation and consensus model construction in MIS. Ways in
which students interact with one another and the social norms that govern those
interactions are disparate from scientists’ interactions and social norms. Some
researchers have attempted to understand and bridge this gap (Berland & Reiser,
2009; Herrenkohl & Guerra, 1998; Jiménez-Aleixandre et al., 2000; Roth & Bowen,