19.3. Application to Mortality 485
and this last is bound to be true unless µ
= µ
= µ
by trying first µ
. Thus the mixed population in
question with fixed death rates in each of its two subpopulations will show
a spurious fall in its death rate over time.
19.3.3 Numerical Effect on Mortality
Since in its very nature unobserved heterogeneity cannot be measured sta-
tistically, it is not clear how we are to put to practical use the unquestioned
fact that individuals vary in their probability of dying (or of becoming sick,
divorcing, etc.). A person being either alive or dead, neither before nor after
he dies is there any way of ascertaining his individual probability. All the
facts on numbers exposed and dying contribute no information on individ-
ual variability and we are forever unable to make a life table for a single
individual, except in the trivial ex post sense that his probability was unity
of living to any age up to his death, and from then on was zero. Selection
enters whenever we make a table for a group.
Yet we can consider the individual as the limiting case of a group. Sup-
pose we move from the unselected population to those who are active and
at work, to those who jog every day, etc. By projecting the sequence we
obtain at least the order of magnitude of the probability for the individual
least likely to die. And in the other direction, we can move from the uns-
elected to the disabled, sick, in hospital, etc., to find the individual most
likely to die.
Without empirical materials we can at least try out a hypothetical degree
of heterogeneity. Suppose the population in three homogeneous groups, one
with standard mortality, one with mortality of 20 percent of the standard,
and the third with 180 percent of the standard, all taken in relation to a
current life table. This may seem like a wide range, but it corresponds to
a range of expectations of 65.3 to 81.8 years; that is not unbelievable.
Consider then that there is within a population a group whose life expec-
tation is 81.8 years, another whose expectation is 72.10 years, a third whose
expectation is 65.3 years, and suppose that these three groups are initially
numerically equal. Under these conditions, the expectation as observed is
73.09, against 72.10 for the true expectation, i.e., the expectation of the
average individual. The life table as calculated in disregard of heterogeneity
exaggerates expectation by 0.99 years.
Thus a moderate conclusion from what we know now is that the ob-
served expectation for ordinary populations calculated by the usual life
table methods (Chapter 2) is high by about a year in application to the in-
dividual of average frailty at birth. We expect the effect to be much greater
for mobility, divorce, or morbidity, since in these the individual is not re-
stricted to the outcomes of 0 or 1 as for living or dead, but can move, or
divorce, or become sick 0, 1, 2, . . . times.