482 19. Heterogeneity and Selection in Population Analysis
If everyone had the same chance of finding a job the selective effect
could not exist; the bias is the consequence of variability in that chance,
i.e., of heterogeneity. This effect cannot occur instantaneously; it acts when
a group is followed over time. If the heterogeneity is between observable
categories it can be removed; the unobservable heterogeneity is unremov-
able, though indirect ways of estimating its effect have been suggested.
Matters such as unemployment where the event can occur to an individual
more than once are more tractable than mortality, and indeed one could in
principle work out the “within person” variability of the chance of falling
unemployed. Yet even in this case it is highly uncertain that heterogeneity
as measured for one epoch is the same as heterogeneity for another.
Similar statements can be made about divorce. In most populations the
probability of divorce is low in the first years of marriage, then rises to
a peak (“the seven-year itch”), then falls off. Does that mean that the
chance of a particular marriage breaking up rises to a peak, then declines?
Not necessarily: if, for example, there are two kinds of couples—one with
a low and constant probability of divorce, and one with a steadily rising
probability, then the observations would be accounted for by an argument
similar to that applying to death (Vaupel and Yashin 1985, Hoem 1990).
The subject matter fields affected are numerous: mortality, unemploy-
ment, divorce, risk of conception, migration, mechanical failure, in short
any field where individuals drop out of the observed category when the
contingency in question materializes.
19.3 Application to Mortality
In the usual deterministic life table model, for a person of given age the
probability of surviving a year, say 0.99, is based on the collection of
observed deaths and the corresponding exposed population. We may care-
lessly argue that different probabilities for individuals, being unmeasurable,
have no meaning; after all the person will be alive or dead in the succeed-
ing period—there is no middle possibility. But that argument falls to the
ground when we think of one person in the hospital with a diagnosis of
incurable cancer, and another of the same age, going about his business in
evident good health. The unrealistic assumption of homogeneity has been
thought to be innocent, in that it would not affect the overall conclusions
drawn from the numbers. Differences between individuals, therefore, being
both unmeasurable and inconsequential for averages, can be disregarded.
This is the viewpoint that recent research has shown to be unacceptable.
A person of average health or frailty
has something of the order of 1 year
The “frailty” of an individual is supposed to measure the susceptibility of the
individual to risks of death, beyond what is determined by age or other measured co-