Chapter 2 THE NECK / Muscles 2-1
2-1 Myectomy (Forssell) and accessory nerve neurectomy
In crib-biting the horse grips a fixed object (e.g. manger) with the
(upper)incisor teeth, arches the neck and attempts to swallow air; horses
which succeed in swallowing air are called windsuckers. Some horses are
'free' windsuckers, these display the vice without cribbing. Initially non-
surgical methods (cribbing strap, aversion therapy) may be used, but are
often unsuccessful, and the owner requests surgical treatment. This con-
sists of partial resection of the paired ventral neck muscles: sternohyoideus,
omohyoideus, sternothyroideus and sternocephalicus. Instead of myect-
omy of the latter, neurectomy of the ventral branch of the accessory nerve
may be performed.
Surgery. The horse is positioned in dorsal recumbency under general
anaesthesia. Excessive extension of the neck should be avoided because of
possible stretching of the recurrent nerve, the head should thus be resting
at an angle of about 30°.
A midline skin incision of 30-40 cm is made from the hyoid bone caudally.
The whole operation may be accompanied by considerable haemorrhage,
and careful haemostasis is obligatory. The skin and subcutis are dissected
and reflected laterally [061]. The omohyoideus muscle is carefully separ-
ated from the jugular vein. The omohyoideus and sternohyoideus are
transected near their insertions [062] and reflected back to the caudal edge
of the wound, whereafter the entire muscle section is removed [063]. This
exposes the cranial part of sternothyroideus [064] which is easily dissected
from the trachea and excised [065]. Next the sternocephalicus is freed by
blunt dissection after incising its sheath longitudinally. The muscle is tran-
sected at the caudal edge of the incision [066], reflected cranially and se-
vered through its tendon [067].
Instead of sternocephalicus myectomy, denervation of the muscle may be
performed. The purpose of neurectomy of the ventral branch of the ac-
cessory nerve is to diminish the post-operative deformity of the region.
The nerve is located on the dorso-medial aspect and runs parallel with the