historicism 288
history 296–7
Hitler, Adolf 55, 287
Hobbes, Thomas 97
holism 66
Holmes, Oliver Wendell 34
homosexuality 77
homunculus 217–9
Hume, David 1, 8, 87, 142, 250
Husserl, Edmund 38, 78–83, 86–7, 162–5,
Huxley, Thomas Henry 24
hypothesis 107–10
hysteria 73
icons 126
Id 75–6, 205–7
idea (Lockeian) 13, 201
Idea (Platonic) 174, 178, 196–7, 256
ideal language 136
idealism 47–8, 183; transcendental vs
empiricist 169
identity 118–9
illative sense 150
illocutionary force 91
illusion 314
imagination 87–8
immortality 3, 57, 71, 198
imperative logic 244
imperialism 286
implication 116
incomplete symbols 52
independence of axioms 114
indeterminacy 66
indexicals 124–6
indices 126
individuality 16, 173, 274
induction 8, 98–100, 107–9
inertia 14, 170
infallibility, Papal 29, 129, 152–3
inference 8, 98–101, 106, 147
infinity, axiom of 51
inheritance 23
intelligent design 304
intentional fallacy 268
intentionality 66–7, 79–81, 209–12
intentions vs motives 194
introspection 161, 202, 215
intuition 9, 266
intuitionism 12
Ireland 11
Islam 306
James, Henry 43, 46
James, William 34, 43–6, 72, 127–8, 198–202
Pragmatism 44
Principles of Psychology 44, 200
Varieties of Religious Experience 44, 310–11
Jews 237, 307
John of the Cross 224
Jowett, Benjamin 47, 288
judgement 208
Jung, Carl 74
justice 15, 231, 289
Kant, Immanuel 13–14, 35, 40, 43, 72, 194,
Kierkegaard, S.A. 16–19, 28, 233–7,
258–60, 293–8
Concluding Scientific Postscript 17
Either/or 234–6, 258–60, 276–8
Fear and Trembling 17, 293–6
King of France, present 52, 130–2
knots 62
knowledge 144–168
Kripke, Saul 119–20
labour 282–4
ladder 57
lady 279
Lamarck, J.B. 25
landscapes 255
language 51, 121–43, 195, 302–4
language-games 61–3, 137–42, 165–8
leap of faith 237
Leibniz, G.W. 48, 189
Lenin, V.I. 285
Lewis C.I. 116–20
liberalism 11, 269–74
liberty of indifference 230