1.6 Universal Navigation
By universal navigation, a navigation framework that facilitates personalized
navigation assistance anywhere, anytime, and for any user using smartphones
is referred. This new framework is called UNiversal NAVIgation Technology
(UNAVIT), which is the foundation of both the fourth generation of outdoor naviga-
tion technology and the second generation of indoor navigation technology. UNA-
VIT is service-oriented providing navigation assistance on demand regardless of
the geographic area in which the assistance is requested and whether the assistance
is needed for outdoor or indoor. Unlike current navigation systems/services that are
one-size-fits-all and cannot handle seamless transition from indoor to outdoor or
from outdoor to indoor, are not adaptable to time-specific navigation (e.g., naviga-
tion during non-rush hours vs. rush hours), address primarily needs and preferences
of the general population, UNAVIT is intended to support location-independent,
time-independent, and user-independent navigation assistance.
Table 1.4 Shortcomings of current navigation technology
Questions Comments
Can modern navigation technology meet the
specific needs of all individuals includ-
ing those with physical (mobility) and
sensory (vision, hearing), and cognitive
There are experimental projects which address
some of these needs. No commercially
available navigation systems currently can
address the range of different needs.
Is modern navigation technology adaptable to
users with different cognitive abilities, lev-
els of computing knowledge and exposure
to technology?
While navigation technology has improved,
current navigation systems still require
some level of knowledge and comfort with
computer technology for their effective
Can modern navigation technology provide
navigation assistance seamlessly between
indoors and outdoors?
There are very few experimental projects that
have this feature. Commercially available
navigation systems are either for outdoors
or for indoors, not both.
Can modern navigation technology support
users with navigation assistance suitable
for various situations, such as difficult
versus easy routes, day versus night, routes
on snowy days versus sunny days?
Some current navigation systems address some
of these issues.
Can modern navigation technology provide
individuals with proper information seam-
lessly based on the context?
There are experimental projects that are
context aware. Commercially available
navigation systems are not context aware.
Can modern navigation technology seamlessly
adjust to different modes of travel, such
as driving cars, walking, riding bicycles,
riding wheelchairs or Segways?
There are few current navigation systems
capable of realizing and adjusting more
than one mode of travel but not all possible
Can modern navigation technology effectively
be used in different countries with dissimi-
lar policies and cultures?
Current navigation systems are not able to
address these issues.
1 Introduction to Navigation