210 Index
in the LF-phase 134
in the SF-phase 134
in-plane modes 151
in-plane-resistivity 122
inadequacy of the electronic band
structure based on the LDA band
incommensurability 114, 115
incommensurate peaks 114
incommensurate peaks in the spin
excitation spectra of LSCO 114
inhomogeneous 27
inhomogeneous distribution of metallic
regions 123
inhomogeneous hole distribution in the
Cu–O chain 44
inhomogeneous superconducting state
inter-pocket scattering 123
interplay between the electron cor-
relation and the local lattice
distortion 137
intra-pocket scattering 123
Intuitive illustration of the averaging of
the pairing interaction 168
irreducible self-energy 177
irreducible self-energy part 175
irreducible vertex 177
irreducible vertex part 177
isotope effect 129, 161
isotope effects 191
Jahn–Teller (JT) polarons 17
Jahn–Teller distortion 3, 17, 29
Jahn–Teller effect 4, 25, 29
Jahn–Teller interaction 3
Jahn–Teller theorem 17
Jahn–Teller-effect 31
JT-polarons 17
K–S entropy function 129
K–S Hamiltonian 59, 63, 83, 107
K–S model 4, 25, 26, 63, 64, 68, 73, 74,
113, 114, 119, 122, 123, 126, 127,
129, 152, 161, 171, 189, 190, 192
Kamerlingh Onnes 1
Kamimura–Suwa (K–S) Model: Elec-
tronic Structure of Underdoped
Cuprates 55
Kamimura–Suwa model 25, 26, 55
Ledges 58
line 58
Lanczos method 63, 65
large Fermi surface 113, 132
large FS 130
large polaron 4, 17
large polarons 137
LDA + U band calculation 26
LDA band 110
LDA density of states 128
LDA entropy function 129
LDA+U band calculations 24
LDA+U 85
length of a metallic region 189
length of a wider metallic region 109
LF-phase 132
LF-phases 136
life time of carriers 111
lifetime broadening effects 113
lifetime effect 171
Ligand Field Theory 29
linear temperature-dependence of the
resistivity 124
linear temperature-dependent metallic
conductivity 122
linearized Eliashberg equation 158
linearized Feynman–Dyson equation
(LAPW) band 93
local AF order 6, 26, 57, 109, 130, 161,
local antiferromagnetic (AF) order
55, 107, 139
local antiferromagnetic ordering 133
local density approximation (LDA)
110, 133
local density functional formalism
(LDF) 32
localized spin system 171
localized spin-polaron 78
localized spins 55, 64, 83
long range N´eel order 109
low-energy pseudogap 13, 137