14.2 Appearance of Repulsive Phonon-Exchange Interaction 165
Here, on going from the second row to the third row in (14.7), we have
changed an integral variable from r to r + u
and have used the normal unit
cell periodicity for the function u
(r), where u
is a vector connecting with
Cu–O–Cu distance. On going from the third row to the last row in (14.7),
we have used the fact that integrals of periodic functions over the periodicity
are unique and do not depend on the choice of a region of periodicity.
From the pseudo-momentum conservation we obtain k − k
+ q = K,
with K being a reciprocal vector in the AF Brillouin zone. That is, K =
(nπ/a, mπ/a), where n, m are integers which satisfy the condition n + m
being even. Since u
=(a, 0), one can derive the following relation from
g(k, k
g(k, k
. (14.8)
Note that both n and m take even numbers or odd numbers at the same
time, so that (14.8) preserves the tetragonal symmetry. On the derivation of
(14.8), we have only used (14.6). Then one may wonder if the same conclusion
is drawn for systems with the normal periodicity by formally folding a system
to the AF-periodicity. Equation (14.8) itself surely holds for the system with
the normal periodicity. But from the pseudo-momentum conservation law,
we have
k − k
+ q = K . (14.9)
Thus no peculiar thing occurs in the case of the normal periodicity, pseudo-
momentum conservation requires that K’s appearing in (14.9) must be the
reciprocal vectors of the normal periodicity. Hence the factor (−1)
in (14.8)
is always equal to unity. On the other hand, (14.8) yields the non-trivial result
of having opposite sign between g(k, k
and g(k, k
for some k, k
q in any systems with AF-periodicity and the different spatial distributions
between up- and down-spin electrons, such as spin density wave (SDW) states.
But SDW states are of course insulating so that we do not have much interest
in the context of the superconductivity.
Based on the K–S model, we have shown that the electron-coupling con-
stants of different spin carriers can really differ by a sign, but there is still
an ambiguity for the expression of (14.8). The ambiguity comes from the
fact that k’s have the AF-periodicity, while q’s have the normal periodicity.
This ambiguity is taken away by requiring that k’s are confined to the first
AF-Brillouin zone (AF-BZ), while q’s are confined to the first Brillouin zone
of the normal periodicity (normal BZ). For the scattering from momentum
-state to k-state, we have two kinds of process for the same phonon branch,
reflecting the fact that phonons have the normal unit cell periodicity while
carriers have the AF-unit cell periodicity.
In the two processes the pseudo-momenta k − + q differ from the zero
vector by the reciprocal lattice vector ±Q
with Q
=(π/a, π/a), ±Q
=(−π/a, π/a)or±Q
(or, equal to the zero vector). Then we have
sign change of the electron–phonon interaction g
(, k)andg
(, k)which
occurs for the case where the difference of pseudo-momentum equals to ±Q