11 Calculated Results
of Many-Electrons Band Structures
and Fermi Surfaces
11.1 Introduction
In Chap. 10, for one of the approximation methods to solve the K–S Hamil-
tonian, we described a method of the mean-field approximation for treating
a system of localized spins in the local antiferromagnetic (AF) order. By ap-
plying the mean-field approximation to the K–S Hamiltonian, the exchange
interaction H
in the K–S Hamiltonian can be expressed in the form of an
effective magnetic field acting on the spins of the hole-carriers in a carrier
As a result, the electronic structure of a hole-carrier system on the K–S
model can be expressed in the form of a single-electron-type band structure
in the presence of AF order in the localized spin system, where the exchange
interaction between the spins of a hole-carrier and of a localized hole is in-
cluded in a single-electron type energy band in the mean-field sense.
In this chapter we describe the results of the effective one-electron-type
band structure and Fermi surface calculated by the method described in the
previous chapter.
11.2 Calculated Band Structure Including
the Exchange Interaction between the Spins
of Hole-Carriers and Localized Holes
In a previous chapter, we showed that all the matrix elements in the 34 ×34
dimensional Hamiltonian matrix
H(k) are expressed as one-electron type
quantities due to the mean-field approximation. By diagonalizing it, we ob-
tained a one-electron type band structure including the many-electron effects
such as the exchange interaction between the spins of a dopant hole and lo-
calized spin in the K–S Hamiltonian. In the effective one-electron type band
structure thus obtained, the antibonding b
orbitals which have a main char-
acter of Cu d
atomic orbital are separated from a hole-carrier system.
These b
orbitals are localized at Cu site by the strong U effect and the
spins of localized holes in b
orbitals are coupled antiferromagnetically by
the effect of the superexchange interaction between the localized spins.