2.7 String Theory 205
This means that one wishes to average over all fields φ and all compact
described by their topological type (their genus) and their metric, with exponential
weight coming from the Polyakov action. Since, as discussed, that action S(ϕ,γ)
is invariant under diffeomorphisms and conformal changes, that is, possesses an
infinite-dimensional invariance group, this functional integral, as it stands, can only
be infinite itself. Therefore, one divides out these invariances before performing the
functional integral. As described in Sect. 1.4.2, the remaining degrees of freedom
are the ones coming from the moduli of the underlying surface, and we are left with
an integral over the Riemann moduli space for surfaces of given genus and a sum
over all genera. The essential mathematical content of string theory is then to define
that integral in precise mathematical terms and try to evaluate it. The sum needs
some regularization, that is, one should put in some factor κ
depending on the
genus p that goes to 0 in some appropriate manner as the genus increases. Alterna-
tively, one should construct a common moduli space that simultaneously includes
surfaces of all genera. Since lower-genus surfaces occur in the compactification of
the moduli spaces of higher-genus ones, this seems reasonable. As discussed above
in Sect. 1.4.2, however, the Mumford–Deligne compactification is not directly ap-
propriate for this, as there the lower-genus surfaces that occur in the boundary of
the moduli space carry marked points in addition. With each reduction of the genus,
the number of those marked points increases by two. When we then consider sur-
faces of some fixed genus p
in a boundary stratum of the moduli space of surfaces
of genus p,wehave2(p − p
) marked points, and this number then tends to ∞
for p →∞. Therefore, we need to resort to the Satake–Baily compactification de-
scribed in Sect. 1.4.2 which does not need marked points, but is highly singular. We
also recall from there that this compactification can be mapped into the Satake com-
pactification of the moduli space of principally polarized Abelian varieties. Again,
the compactification of that moduli space for principally polarized Abelian varieties
of dimension p contains in its boundary the moduli spaces for the Abelian varieties
of smaller dimension. Letting p →∞then gives some kind of universal moduli
space for principally polarized Abelian varieties of finite dimension, and this space
is then stratified according to dimension. Similarly, the analogous universal moduli
space for compact Riemann surfaces would then be stratified according to genus. (To
the author’s knowledge, however, this construction has never been carried through
in detail.)
In any case, even the integral over the moduli space for a fixed genus leads to
some subtleties. The reason is that while the Polyakov action S(ϕ,γ ) itself is con-
formally invariant, the measure e
dφdγ in (2.7.2) is not. We have seen the
reason above from a somewhat different perspective in our discussion of quanti-
zation of the sigma model, where we encountered additional terms in the operator
expansions. These then led to the nontrivial central charge c of the Virasoro algebra.
It then turns out that there are two different sources of this conformal anomaly, one
coming from the fields φ and the other from the metric γ . The fields are mappings
Since the partition function represents the amplitude of vacuum → vacuum transitions, only
closed surfaces are taken into account.