408 7 Default Risk: An Enlargement of Filtration Approach
Default occurs at time τ (where τ is assumed to be a positive random
variable, constructed on a probability space (Ω, G, P)). We denote by F the
right-continuous cumulative distribution function of the r.v. τ defined as
F (t)=P(τ ≤ t) and we assume that F (t) < 1 for any t ≤ T ,whereT
is a finite horizon (the maturity date); otherwise there would exist t
≤ T
such that F (t
) = 1, and default would occur a.s. before t
, which is an
uninteresting case to study.
We emphasize that the risk associated with the default is not hedgeable in
this model. Indeed, a random payoff of the form 1
cannot be perfectly
hedged with deterministic zero-coupon bonds which are the only tradeable
assets. To hedge the risk, we shall assume later on that some defaultable
asset is traded, e.g., a defaultable zero-coupon bond or a Credit Default Swap
7.1.1 Defaultable Zero-coupon with Payment at Maturity
A defaultable zero-coupon bond (DZC in short) - or a corporate bond -
with maturity T and constant rebate δ paid at maturity, consists of:
• The payment of one monetary unit at time T if (and only if) default has
not occurred before time T , i.e., if τ>T.
• Apaymentofδ monetary units, made at maturity, if (and only if) τ<T.
We assume 0 <δ<1. In case of default, the loss is 1 − δ.
Value of a Defaultable Zero-coupon Bond
The time-t value of the defaultable zero-coupon bond is defined as the
expectation of the discounted payoff, given the information that the default
has occurred in the past or not.
If the default has occurred before time t, the payment of δ will be made
at time T and the price of the DZC is δP(t, T): in that case, the payoff is
hedgeable with δ default-free zero-coupon bonds.
If the default has not yet occurred at time t, the holder does not know when
it will occur. Then, the value D(t, T ) of the DZC is the conditional expectation
of the discounted payoff P (t, T)[1
{τ≤T }
] given the information that
the default has not occurred. We denote by
D(t, T ) this predefault value (i.e.,
the value of the defaultable zero-coupon bond on the set {t<τ}) given by