The other might be Jean Thibaud, a French researcher who claimed that he got
the resonant accelerator working in 1930, before it was announced at Berkeley. He
had, in fact, obtained 1 mA of beam current, 100 times that of Livingston’s
cyclotron, using differential vacuum pumping of the particle (ion) source to operate
it at higher pressure.
Increase to higher energies means increasing the orbit size (because the magnet
field strength is limited by saturation of iron). This means bigger magnets and more
powerful RF sources. More money was needed and this was, after all, the time of
Depression when all budgets were getting sla shed. Lawrence had to find other
sources of funding for making larger cyclotrons. Two companies, Research Corpo-
ration and Chemical Foundations, provided most of the funding for his further
work. During this time, there was much wheeling and dealing, many patenting
tricks, and several court cases against companies trying to profit from scientific
results. The profit-seeking companies knew that high-energy electrons were the
need of the hour, and Lawrence bravely talked about grand machines. He proposed
a 27-in. (65 cm) cyclotron, using the magnet that was a World War I surplus.
Working with Leonard Fuller, a UC Berkeley electrical engineer and vice-president
of the Federal Telegraph Company which owned it, Lawrence received the 80-ton
magnet, valued at $25,000, as a donation. An entrepreneur-turned physicist,
Frederick Cottrell helped steer Lawrence through the deals. Th us, Lawrence got
the large sum of $12,000 for modifying, transporting, and installing the 80-ton
magnet, for his 27-in. (65 cm) dream cyclotron. The room that he and his colleagues
occupied would no longer be enough, as the magnet would need a strong floor. An
adjacent 2-story wooden buildi ng, which had housed a civil engineering test
laboratory (CETL), had a concrete floor. In August 1931, the University President
awarded Lawrence full use of the CETL, which was then named “Radiation
Laboratory,” which became Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, today a
famous landmark in San Francisco bay area and a center for science. (Lawrence
had the unique honor of receiving his Nobel Prize, in view of his beloved Berkley
laboratory.) The Cyclotron was operational in September 1932. It produced
3.6 MeV protons, and in 1937, this was upgraded to a 37-in. accelerator with a
corresponding increase in final particle energy (Fig. 5.7 ).
The depression years had set in and UC Berkeley was tightening its belt, slashing
a third of its budget. But even in this discouraging environment, Lawrence
remained positive and doggedly pursued the drive for bigger and better Cyclotrons.
The final thrust of development was that of a 60-in. cyclotron with a 220-ton
magnet which was enthusiastically funded by the State of California, Macy and
Rockefeller foundations, and others. Lawrence persuaded the community to support
his work, prophetically pointing to biomedical applications such as radiation
treatment for cancer. Lawrence truly believed in the potential of these particle
rays to rival X-rays in their biomedical applications. Since donor organizations
gave more money to medicine and biology than to physics, this was also a good
move on the part of Lawrence and his associates. The Federal Government
provided funds through Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” funds to create
employment, and this, in many ways, represented the visionary society that
50 5 The Spiral Path to Nirvana