In the Beginning 21
kinds of food came available seasonally. Early spring to late fall saw
Apache women gathering varieties of nuts, berries, seeds, roots,
and cacti in a number of di erent ecological zones ranging from
mountains to deserts. Processing and storing food occupied much
time as well. Mescal (a kind of cactus) became one of the most
important dietary staples. Gathered communally by the women, it
could be steamed, dried in the sun, and stored, providing a sweet,
nutritious food for many months, particularly through the winter.
e contribution of women to the subsistence quest may have
had implications for their status as well. A married Apache man,
for instance, most o en lived with his wife’s family and showed
particular respect to his mother-in-law. Certainly among the
Apache, White Painted Woman, also called White Shell Woman,
played a major role in their belief system. Moreover, ceremo-
nies to mark the onset of female puberty were arguably the most
developed of Apache rituals. During the four days of the puberty
rite, Apache regarded the young women making the transition to
adulthood to be the embodiment of White Painted Woman and
therefore imbued with power, particularly for healing.
As a hunting and gathering people, the Apache maintained
themselves in small groups, scattered over a wide area. ese small
groups were made up of a number of family units that cooperated
together, largely to exploit resources from a given locale. Within
the family unit, grandparents received particular attention as their
wisdom and knowledge provided guidance to all and insight into
proper behavior for the young. Yet within each group as a whole,
headmen usually emerged, valued for their leadership skills. Key
to leadership was persuasion. Apache leaders had to convince
their followers that a given course of action was bene cial. If dis-
satis ed with the results, an Apache family could choose at any
time to strike out on its own or join another group. e Spanish,
the Mexicans, and later the Americans would nd this indepen-
dence of action and decentralized political structure di cult to