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TABLE 13.3 APA Formatting Checklist
General Formatting and Typing
• There are 1-inch margins on all four sides of each
page of the manuscript.
• Th
e font is the correct size (12 point on a word
processor) and the correct style (a serif font such as
Courier, Palatino, or Times Roman).
• Th
e manuscript is double-spaced throughout,
including title page, references, tables, figure
captions, author notes, and appendixes.
• Th
e page number appears on the same line with
the short title and is five spaces to the right of the
short title.
• Th
e short title and page number are typed at the
top of each page 1⁄2 inch from the top of the page
(in the top-right margin).
• Th
e figure number is handwritten on the back of all
• Th
ere is only one space after punctuation marks,
including commas, colons, semicolons, punctuation
at the ends of sentences, periods in citations, and
all periods in the Reference section.
• Arabic numerals are used correctly to express
numbers that are 10 or greater; numbers that
immediately precede a unit of measurement;
numbers that represent fractions and percentages;
numbers that represent times, dates, ages,
participants, samples, populations, scores, or
points on a scale; and numbers less than 10 when
those numbers are compared to a number greater
than 10.
• W
ords are used correctly to express numbers less
than 10 and numbers at the beginning of a title,
sentence, or heading.
Title Page
• The running head is aligned with the left margin
and is less than 50 characters and spaces long.
• Th
e author note does not appear on the title page;
instead, the author note appears on a separate
page after the appendixes and before the tables and
• ”Abstract” is centered at the top of the page.
• The first line of the Abstract is even with the left
margin (not indented).
• Th
e Abstract is 120 words or less.
Body of the Manuscript
• There are no one-sentence paragraphs.
• The word while is used only to indicate events that
take place simultaneously (alternatives: although,
whereas, but).
• T
erms that are abbreviated are written out
completely the first time they are used and then
always abbreviated thereafter.
• Th
e word and is used in citations outside of
• Th
e ampersand (&) is used in citations within
• Each an
d every citation used in the manuscript has
a corresponding entry in the References section.
• Th
e phrase et al. is used only when there are three
or more authors.
• In th
e Method section, the word participants not
subjects is consistently used.
• In th
e Results section, all test statistics (F, t,
, p) are italicized.
References Section
• ”Refer
ences” is centered at the top of the first page.
• The first line of each reference is flush left, and
subsequent lines are indented (a hanging indent).
• All entries are typed in alphabetical order.
• Authors’ names are separated by commas.
• A
uthors’ last names appear with first and (if
provided) middle initials (do not type out first or
middle names).
• Th
e name of the journal and the volume number are
• Each an
d every entry is cited in the body of the
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