1.2 Basic Principles of EPR 25
and dielectric properties of sample and reference standard must be identical if
factor (iii) is to be realized. In other words, the standard should ideally have identi-
cal EPR properties to that of the unknown, and must be recorded under identical
instrumental conditions. Thus, for example, it would be completely inappropriate
to use a DPPH reference sample as a standard to determine absolute concentration
for a Cu(II) - containing catalyst. Effects of Sample Tumbling and Rotation
In most studies of oxide surfaces, the EPR spectra will be powder - like in origin.
However, in some cases, studies may be performed at the liquid – solid interface.
In such circumstances, the resulting spectral profi le may produce a composite
profi le containing both isotropic and anisotropic signals. It is rare that the spectra
will be completely averaged, and frequently one may only observe distortions to
the anisotropic signal (i.e. a broadening of the lines). It is therefore important to
consider such effects in some detail.
Rapid tumbling, faster than the EPR timescale, of an anisotropic paramagnetic
system will cause an averaging of the g and A tensors. In the hypothetical case
where the tumbling is infi nitely rapid compared to the EPR timescale, a fully aver-
aged or isotropic g
and a
value will be obtained. This rarely occurs, even under
ideal conditions, and in practice evidence of g and A anisotropy can still be mani-
fested in the spectrum; specifi cally with respect to the linewidths of the individual
lines. A good example of this partial averaging effect is shown in Figure 1.12 .
This partial averaging of the signals can be easily explained by reference to the
dependence of the linewidths on the value of m
. For an S = 1/2 spin system, the
peak - to - peak linewidths ∆ B
p - p
of the fi rst derivative signal can be expressed as a
polynominal in m
pp I I I-
=+ + +
where A, B, C and D are constants and all are positive. Usually only the fi rst three
terms on the right hand side of Equation 1.45 are considered (since D is usually
very small). Clearly the linewidth depends on the value of m
, and the m
causes the outer lines to broaden compared to the inner lines (see Figure 1.12 ),
although the overall shape of the spectrum still remains symmetrical at this point.
Variation in the intensity across the spectrum arises from the m
term, since
transitions with the largest negative m
value will be broadened the least, whilst
transitions with the largest positive m
value will be broadened the most. This is
a very useful correlation, since it provides a means of determining the sign of a
from the spectrum if the term in m
dominates that in m
. For example, if a
positive, the resonance at lowest fi eld must be due to m
= + I and that at high fi eld
due to m
= − I . In Figure 1.12 the reverse situation applies, therefore for
V, a
is negative, since the line at lowest fi eld is narrower than the one at higher mag-
netic fi eld.
A more qualitative way of viewing the changes to the spectra in Figure 1.12 , as
a function of m
, is to consider the tumbling process as causing an averaging of