Preface vii
Mitsumasa Iwamoto graduated from Tokyo Institute
of Technology and obtained B.E. in 1975. He obtained
M.E. and D.E. from Tokyo Institute of Technology in
1977 and 1981, respectively. Now, he is a professor of
Tokyo Institute of Technology, His current interests
focus on organic and molecular materials electronics,
and on the electrical, optical, physical and dielectric
properties of thin films, monolayers, liquid crystals and molecules, and
soft matter physics for electronics. He has published more than 450
papers including review articles in international journals, and published
more than 10 books as authors, co-authors, and editors, e.g., he wrote a
book entitled “The Physical Properties of Organic Monolayers”, World
Scientific, Singapore, pp. 1-200 (2001). He has chaired international
conference many times and also made a contribution as guest editors of
international Journals such as Thin Solid Films, and Japanese Journal of
Applied physics more than 10 times.
Young-Soo Kwon received his B.S. degree in
Electrical Engineering at Yeungnam University,
M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering at Kyungpook
National University, Korea in 1973 and 1976,
respectively, and he received his Ph.D. degree in
Physical Electronics at Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Japan in 1988. He was a Visiting Professor in
Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering at University of Houston,
USA from 2007 until 2008. Currently he is a professor in Department of
Electrical Engineering and Nano Engineering, Dong-A University,
Busan, Korea. His research interests are in the areas of molecular
electronics, organic electronic devices, ultra-thin films, OLED, nano-
biotechnology and its applications. He has edited a book titled
“Measuring Technology of Electrical Properties in Molecule Level” and
written 4 book chapters, 12 review articles, 42 patents and about 350
international journal articles. He has experience as an invited speaker
more than 12 times in international conferences and guest editors
of international journals such as “Journal of Nanoscience and