black holes, 927–929
brightness of star, 487
comets, 685, 762
earth’s orbit around sun, 682–683
periodic orbits of sun and moon,
571–572, 685
planetary orbits, 349, 412–413
radio telescope, 709–710, 712
satellite orbit, 604, 605, 686
spacecraft, 686
speed of light, 14
sun and moon cycles, 465
baseball diamond geometry, 42, 604
baseball thrown, dropped, or hit, 444–445,
454, 498, 503, 542, 736, 815–816
batting averages, 286–287
car race speed, 72, 114
football field geometry, 50
football thrown, dropped, or kicked, 740
golf ball trajectory, 734–735, 740
gunshot, 740
jogging distances, 175
rowing and running, 110–111,
114–115, 354
running, 113
stadium seating, 841
swimming distances and time, 652, 665
swimming pool depth, 52
swimming water pressure, 34
Biology and Life Sciences
AIDS cases, number of, 30, 50–51, 100,
217, 851
Alzheimer’s disease, 131
blood alcohol content, 149
blood pressure, 215, 465, 482–483,
487, 509
computer-aided tomography (CAT)
scanners, 805
death rates, comparable, 782
disease modeling, 425
drug concentration in bloodstream, 849, 851,
855–856, 875
FDA drug approval, 129
fungus, growth of, 203
healthy weight range, 15, 66–67
heart disease, death from, 74, 126
illness, temperature and, 216
infant mortality rates, 417
infection, spread of, 384, 392, 408
life expectancy, 130–131, 367, 418, 843
medication, concentration of, 91
multiple births, 416
radioactive decay, 400–401
sizes in scientific notation, 14
trees, size of, 133–134
Business and Manufacturing
advertising spending, 128, 194, 214, 215,
287, 384
airline passengers, 131
automobile markets, 784
book sales, 836
break-even point, 783–784
car leases, 316
computer software “learning curve,” 421
cost functions, 188, 315, 316, 317
costs by unit of production, 120, 132,
336, 337
hourly earnings, 134, 216–217
input-output analysis, 823–824
ladder building, 843
minimum wage, 214
mixtures, 111, 132, 783, 804–805
net revenue, 875
output by labor and materials, 350, 784,
806, 821
pensions, 874
prices, 132, 249
production costs, 63–64, 67, 91
production demand, 66
profit margin by unit of production,
157–158, 160
profits, 121–124, 128, 216, 233, 248,
282, 843
radio programming, 161
research and development spending, 130
retail expenditures, 875
revenue growth, 44
revenue maximization, 119
salary and wages, 408, 421
sales averages per call, 249
sales growth, 844
sales totals, 791
subdivisions, 316
supply and demand, 137–139
ticket prices, 778–779, 782, 783, 804
time spent discussing budgetary items, 34–35
unemployment statistics, 489
van loads, 805
wireless telephone service, growth in,
174–175, 207, 408
yield, maximizing, 282
Chemistry and Physics
air quality standards, 820
angle of elevation, sound waves and, 564
balloon filling, 206–207, 213, 221
boiling point of water, 66
cable-hung weight, 652, 653
camera focal length, 303
concentration in solution, 66, 407
daylight hours, 509, 566
density of light, 35–36
exponential decay, 362, 407, 408
flywheels, 512
gas in parts per million, 366, 818
GPS device position, 789, 791
gravitation, 302, 303
gunshot, 566, 569
light rays, 564
mixtures of metals, 780–781
object on a ramp, 310–311, 313, 321–322,
649–650, 651–652, 659, 662, 664
parabolic satellite dish, 712, 765
particles path, 700
pendulum swings, 39, 488, 490
pistons, 488, 512
pressure of an enclosed gas, 38
puddle, shrinking, 200
pulling an object along ground, 660, 662,
664, 665
radioactive waste, 303
resistance and resistors, 31, 36–37, 38, 302
rocket travel, 91, 317, 335–336, 554, 570, 595
salt solution, 111, 317
solution, removing items from, 368
sound wave, speed of, 450
spring-hung weight, 38, 484–485, 566, 569
temperature change, 269
temperature of filled container, 209–210
volume of a container, 215
weight supported by beam, 38
whispering room, 685
arch, 340, 364–365, 367, 765
banner, 619
box, 109–110, 114, 117, 119, 132, 133, 161,
166–167, 172, 269, 277, 282, 299–300,
Index of Applications