January 27, 2004 13:25 Elsevier/AID aid
10.7 laboratory simulation of the general circulation 355
well described by quasi-geostrophic theory. The fact that the quasi-geostrophic
model, in which the spherical earth is replaced by the β plane, can successfully
model many of the essential features of the general circulation suggests that the
fundamental properties of the general circulation are not dependent on parameters
unique to a spherical planet, butmay be common to all rotating differentially heated
fluids. That the conjecture is in fact correct can be demonstrated in the laboratory
with a rather simple apparatus.
In one group of experiments the apparatus consists of a cylindrical vessel that is
rotated about its vertical axis. The vessel is heated at its rim and cooled at its center.
These experiments are often referred to as dishpan experiments, as some of the
first experiments of this type utilized an ordinary dishpan. The fluid in the dishpan
experiments crudely represents one hemisphere in the atmosphere, with the rim
of the dishpan corresponding to the equator and the center to the pole. Because
the geometry is cylindrical rather than spherical, the β effect is not modeled for
baroclinic motions in this type of system.
Thus the dishpan experiments omit
dynamical effects of the atmospheric meridional vorticity gradient as well as the
geometrical curvature terms, which were neglected in the quasi-geostrophic model.
For certain combinations of rotation and heating rates, the flow in the dishpan
appears to be axially symmetric with a steady azimuthal flow that is in thermal
wind equilibrium with the radial temperature gradient, and a superposed direct
meridional circulation with rising motion near the rim and sinking near the center.
This symmetric flow is usually called the Hadley regime, as the flow is essentially
that of a Hadley cell.
For other combinations of rotation and heating rates, however, the observed
flow is not symmetric. It consists, rather, of irregular wave-like fluctuations and
meandering zonal jets. In such experiments, velocity tracers on the surface of the
fluid reveal patterns very similar to those on midlatitude upper air weather charts,
whereas tracers near the lower boundary reveal structures similar to atmospheric
fronts. This type of flow is usually called the Rossby regime, although it should be
noted that the observed waves are not Rossby waves because there is no β effect
in the tank.
Experiments have also been carried out using an apparatus in which the fluid is
contained in the annular region between two coaxial cylinders of different radii.
In these annulus experiments, the walls of the inner and outer cylinders are held at
constant temperatures so that a precisely controlled temperature difference can be
maintained across the annular region. Very regular wave patterns can be obtained
for certain combinations of rotation and heating. In some cases the wave patterns
are steady, whereas in other cases they undergo regular periodic fluctuations called
vacillation cycles (see Fig. 10.20). As mentioned in the last section, vacillation
For barotropic motions the radial height gradient of the rotating fluid in the cylinder creates an
“equivalent” β effect (see Section 4.3).