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Dedicated to my Dad and all he’s taught me.
– Phil
To the memory of Stuart Wilde, who inspired me in so many ways,
and to my Dad for introducing me to business.
– Nick
Philip R. Holden
Phil is an experienced marketer, having worked in marketing since
leaving University College London with a degree in Anthropology.
He is also an experienced teacher, trainer and consultant, having run
his own marketing communications business before joining Charities
Aid Foundation where he helped launch the CharityCard. He is the
programme director for the MA in Marketing Communications and
devised the marketing component of the MBA in SME Management
at the University of Greenwich. He is a researcher with a PhD nearing
completion at the University of Manchester and is a founder of, the creative challenge consultancy.
He lives in Kent with his wife, children, a dog and a tortoise.
Nick Wilde
Nick’s career started with a degree in International Marketing and
has seen him working in the holiday industry, market research, the
food import industry and, most recently, in education. As a fluent
Spanish speaker, he is an experienced consultant and educator
internationally, having worked in the US, Mexico, Argentina and