96 3 Variations of Stable Isotope Ratios in Nature
have shown that reactions between rock and water inside a carbonaceous chondrite
parent body could have produced groups of different carbonaceous chondrite types
that explain the diversity in isotope composition.
Yurimoto et al. (2008) have summarized the oxygen isotope composition of
the chondrite components (refractory inclusions, chondrules, and matrix) and con-
cluded that O-isotope variations within a chondrite are typically larger than O-
isotope variations among bulk chondrites. The question remains as to where, when,
and how the isotopic anomalies were originally produced (Thiemens 1988). Even
without full understanding of the causes of isotope variations in meteorites, oxygen
isotopes are very useful in classifying meteorites and in relating meteorites to their
precursor asteroids and planets (Clayton 2004). Oxygen isotope signatures have
confirmed that eucrites, diogenites, howardites, and mesosiderites originate from
one single parent body probably derived from the asteroid 4 Vesta, as shergottites,
nakhlites, and chassignites come from another (Clayton and Mayeda 1996). Main
group pallasites represent intermixed core-mantle material from a single disrupted
asteroid with no equivalent known (Greenwood et al. 2006).
In addition to oxygen isotopes, the volatile elements H, C, N, and S also show
extremely large variations in isotope composition in meteorites. In recent years,
most investigations have concentrated on the analyses of individual components
with more and more sophisticated analytical techniques. Hydrogen
D/H ratios in carbonaceous chondrites may hint on the origin of water on Earth.
Robert (2001) suggested that since the contribution of cometary water to terrestrial
water should be less than 10%, most of the water on Earth should derive from a
meteoritic source.
The D/H ratio of the sun is essentially zero: all the primordial deuterium origi-
nally present has been converted into
He during thermonuclear reactions. Analysis
of primitive meteorites is the next best approach of estimating the hydrogen isotope
composition of the solar system.
In carbonaceous chondrites, hydrogen is bound in hydrated minerals and in or-
ganic matter. Bulk D/H ratios give a relatively homogeneous composition with a
mean δD-value of −100‰ (Robert et al. 2000). This relatively homogeneous com-
position masks the very heterogeneous distribution of individual components. Con-
siderable efforts have been undertaken to analyze D/H ratios of the different com-
pounds (Robert et al. 1978; Kolodny et al. 1980; Robert and Epstein 1982; Becker
and Epstein 1982; Yang and Epstein 1984; Kerridge 1983; Kerridge et al. 1987;
Halbout et al. 1990; Krishnamurthy et al. 1992). Hydrogen in organic matter reveals
a δD-variation from −500 to +6,000‰ whereas water in silicates gives a varia-
tion from −400 to +3,700‰ (Deloule and Robert 1995; Deloule et al. 1998). Most
strikingly, almost the entire range is observed on the scale of single chondrules when
traverses are performed (Deloule and Robert 1995).