construction: The Great Experiment. “If
the Negro freedman was no longer a
slave, was he to be a full-fledged citi-
zen with rights and privileges equal to
those of any other citizen, or a depen-
dent element in the population, free
but not equal? This question was des-
tined to torment the American people
for generations to come.”
Another problem that arose at
the end of the Civil War concerned re-
pairing the physical damage to the na-
tion’s cities, ports, railroad lines,
bridges, and roads. Since most major
battles took place in the South, the
Southern states bore most of the phys-
ical damage of the war. Some cities—
including Richmond, Virginia; At-
lanta, Georgia; and Columbia, South
Carolina—were devastated. Half of the
railroad lines in the South had been
destroyed, several ports were dam-
aged, and many people had lost their
homes. In fact, nearly every house,
barn, and fence had been torn down
or burned in parts of Virginia, Geor-
gia, and South Carolina. The federal
and state governments had to provide
food for hungry people and money to
rebuild structures.
The South’s main advantage
was that its economy had depended
on agriculture, and a great deal of land
was still available for farming. Most of
the physical damage to property was
repaired within a few years. In addi-
tion, the new state governments in the
South undertook many building pro-
jects after the war in order to provide
people with jobs. As a result, the South
actually ended up with more factories,
Northern leaders also had to
decide how and when the Southern
states should be readmitted to the
Union. Some people wanted the
North to establish strict conditions for
the states to meet before they could
rejoin the Union. They felt that this
was the only way to ensure the states’
loyalty and to protect the rights of for-
mer slaves and Union supporters in
the South. Other people thought that
the North had already achieved its
main goals, and believed that the fed-
eral government should not interfere
with the states’ internal issues. These
people wanted the Southern states to
be readmitted as quickly as possible.
One of the most pressing issues
to arise at the end of the Civil War in-
volved race relations. This was particu-
larly true in the South, because slavery
was the only sort of black-white rela-
tionship that many Southerners had
ever known. Under slavery, black peo-
ple were considered inferior and were
forced to work for whites. When slav-
ery was suddenly eliminated, South-
erners had to develop a new labor sys-
tem to take its place. Many former
slaves were no longer willing to submit
to white rule and wanted equal rights.
At the same time, many Southern
whites expressed anger and fear about
the changes taking place in their soci-
ety. Some white people took their feel-
ings out on blacks through violence.
“For most practical purposes
slavery ended with the war. But eman-
cipation [the freeing of slaves] raised
new problems that were fully as great,”
Allen W. Trelease wrote in his book Re-
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