Service Level Agreement (SLA) − service management
Page 319 The Encyclopedia of Operations Management
Some academics define additional performance metrics for RTO products, such as the mean and standard
deviation of lateness, earliness, and tardiness. Define A as the actual delivery date (or time) and D as the due
date (or time) for a customer order. Lateness is then defined as D − A, earliness is defined as max(D−A, 0), and
tardiness is defined as max(A−D, 0). Lateness can be either positive or negative. Negative lateness means that
the delivery was early. Neither earliness nor tardiness can be negative. Earliness is zero when an order is on
time or late and tardiness is zero when an order is on time or early. Average earliness is commonly calculated
only for early orders and average tardiness is commonly calculated only for tardy orders. Using more
sophisticated mathematical notation, earliness is (D − A)
and tardiness is (A − D)
, where (x)
= max(x, 0).
Some systems prioritize orders based on lateness.
General service level metrics for both MTS and RTO products – It is possible to use a service level
metric for both MTS and RTO products by defining the fill rate as the percent of units, lines, or orders shipped
by the due date. Some firms call this on-time and complete. Some members of the Grocery Manufacturing
Association in North America use a fill rate metric called the perfect order fill rate, which is the percent of
orders shipped on time, to the correct customer, to the correct place, complete (right quantity), free of damage, in
the right packaging, with the correct documentation, and with an accurate invoice. However, some firms have
backed away from the perfect order fill rate because it may be more demanding than customers expect, which
means that it is more expensive than customers need. This suggests that firms should customize their perfect
order metric to the needs of their market.
See aggregate inventory management, carrying cost, commonality, customer service, delivery time,
dispatching rules, goodwill, inventory management, job shop scheduling, make to stock (MTS), materials
management, mixed model assembly, on-time delivery (OTD), operations performance metrics, order cycle,
purchase order (PO), purchasing, reorder point, respond to order (RTO), safety stock, Service Level Agreement
(SLA), service management, slow moving inventory, stockout.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) – An arrangement between a service provider and a customer that specifies the
type and quality of services that will be provided.
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is usually a legally binding contract, but it can also be an informal
agreement between two parties. The SLA is an effective means for the customer and supplier to engage in a
serious discussion at the beginning of a relationship to determine what is important to the customer and clearly
specify expectations. The service provider is usually obliged to pay the customer a penalty if any condition in
the SLA is not satisfied. SLA conditions often include a definition of services, performance measurement,
problem management, customer duties, warranties, disaster recovery, and termination of agreement. SLAs are
also used to monitor a supplier’s performance and force the supplier to take corrective action when the conditions
of the agreement are not met.
An SLA is essentially a service guarantee for a commercial (B2B) market. Service guarantees are usually
designed for consumers (B2C) and are very short (e.g., as short as one sentence). In contrast, SLAs are usually
designed for commercial customers (B2B) and usually require several pages of legal terminology. An Operating
Level Agreement (OLA) is essentially an SLA within a firm. OLAs are often the key tool for achieving SLAs.
A warranty is essentially a legally binding SLA for product performance rather than service performance.
Examples of an SLA: (1) A number of capital equipment firms offer a range of options (a menu) of field
service SLAs to their customers that allow customers to make trade-offs between the price and service quality as
measured by equipment downtime, technician response time, etc. (2) The best-known SLAs are in the
telecommunications markets where the service provider might provide SLAs that specify uptime requirements.
(3) Many firms use SLAs in an outsourcing relationship to clarify the business requirements for both parties.
See business process outsourcing, downtime, field service, outsourcing, performance-based contracting,
service guarantee, service level, service management, service quality, warranty.
service management – A product that is simultaneously produced and consumed.
Services are said to be intangible, which means that the service is not a physical “thing.” However, many (if
not most) services have facilitating goods. For example, a dinner at a nice restaurant will have comfortable
chairs, nice plates, and good food. However, the chairs, plates, and food are not the service; they are only the
facilitating goods for the service. Services cannot be inventoried, which means that they cannot be stored. For