74 Combinatorics of Compositions and Words
The corresponding Maple code for the series expansion is given by
taylor(1/(1- sum(x^ithprime(n), ’n’=1..20)), x=0, 20);
Mathematica also provides a command to get just the list of coefficients, rather
than the series:
We can read off the values for n =0, 1,...,30 as 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 6, 6, 10,
16, 20, 35, 46, 72, 105, 152, 232, 332, 501, 732, 1081, 1604, 2352, 3493, 5136,
7595, 11212, 16534, 24442,and36039, which occur as sequence A023360 in
3.4 Connection betw een compositions and tilings
We have already seen two graphical representations of a composition,
namely the line graph introduced by MacMahon (see Chapter 1) and the bar
graph of a composition. Having different ways to think about a composition
allows one to pick the viewpoint that is most useful for a given question. For
example, the line graph representation results in an easy combinatorial proof
for the total number of compositions and provides a quick way to obtain the
conjugate composition, whereas a description of the algorithm without the
line graph representation is very cumbersome. Last but not least, certain
questions arising naturally in one representation may be reframed into an-
other representation, with the potential of giving new insights or raising new
We will now look at the representation of a composition as a tiling of a
1 × n board with tiles of size 1 × k. The tiles correspond to the parts of the
composition in the obvious way. The tiling can also be connected to the line
graph as follows: A node in the line graph corresponds to the end of a tile, and
the lengths of the tiles correspond to the number of segments between nodes.
Figure 3.3 shows the tiling and line graph corresponding to the composition
2231. (Arranging the tiles in columns results in the bar graph.)
FIGURE 3.3: Correspondence between line graph and tiling.
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