10 PFG NMR Studies of Anomalous Diffusion 427
tive possibility to circumvent such difficulties, the application of pairs of field
gradient pulses with alternating signs (±g) separated by appropriate rf (viz.
π) pulses has been suggested [28,29].
Methodical development in PFG NMR is focussed on the generation of
extremely large field gradient pulses [21–25]. The difficulties due to the re-
quirement of perfect matching between the two field gradient pulses may be
circumvented by applying the stimulated spin echo under the influence of a
strong constant field gradient [8, 30–32], which is provided by the stray field
of the superconducting magnet (“stray field gradient” (SFG) NMR). The in-
tensity of the stimulated echo is influenced by the field gradient only during
the two time intervals of duration τ
. These are exactly those time intervals
during which – as we have seen above – also the pulsed field gradients are
applied. Therefore, signal attenuation is described by the same equations as
in the case of PFG NMR with the pulse width δ replaced by τ
and the
observation time ∆ being equal to τ
+ τ
. By this technique, presently the
largest field gradient “amplitudes” (up to 185 T/m) may be achieved [33].
In comparison with PFG NMR, however, the signal-to-noise ratio is dramat-
ically reduced since only a slice of the sample of thickness of the order of
0.1 mm is at resonance, so that much larger acquisition times are inevitable.
These are, however, much easier to be accomplished since the requirement
of identical field gradient “pulses” is automatically fulfilled in this technique.
A severe disadvantage of SFG NMR is the fact that the large constant mag-
netic field gradient excludes the possibility of Fourier transform PFG NMR
for multicomponent diffusion studies [34, 35]. SFG NMR measurements are
additionally complicated by the fact that by varying the “width” of the field
gradient “pulses” the signal is affected by both diffusion and transverse nu-
clear magnetic relaxation.
10.4 PFG NMR Diffusion Studies in Regular Pore
At a first glance, regular pore networks do not seem to be a suitable system
for studying anomalous diffusion. There are, however, a number of reasons,
which justify the inclusion of this section in the present chapter. Regular
pore networks of rather diverse nature are provided by the zeolites [3,36,37].
Originally, zeolites have only been known as minerals. They are microporous,
crystalline aluminosilicates. Starting in the fifties of the last century, how-
ever, also artificial zeolites have been synthesized. As an example, Fig. 23.5
of Chap. 23 shows the structure of a zeolite of type LTA – in short – an A-type
zeolite. The last few years have been characterized by an explosion of new
zeolite structure types [37]. Most of them have no natural counterpart. The
great interest in zeolites results from their potential as selective adsorbents,
catalysts and cation exchangers, leading to profits of the order of hundreds
of billions of dollars worldwide attained per year by their production and