SVNY329-Harshaw SVNY329-APPENDIX.tex October 31, 2006 13:18
88 The Complete CD Guide to the Universe
Zone 37
IC 289 Rating: 5 D
Other Names: PK 138+2.1
Position: 0310+6119
Type : Pn Class: 4 Magnitude : 12.3
Dimensions: 45" x 30"
Discovered by Swift in 1888, it lies just to the south of the 10th magnitude star BD
+ 60 0631, which makes it a fairly easy find. At high magnification it appears to “flip”
IC 289 has been described as faint and homogeneous in an 8-inch. A UHC or O-III
filter helps make it more visible. The UHC is recommended for scopes less than 14-
inches, but the OIII will show more detail in larger instruments. N. J. Martin described IC
289 as, “a nice, faint round planet like planetary nebula. The uniform oval disc shows
some irregularity in brightness but is not obviously brighter at the edge.”
C-8 at 83x. It is very faint and in a line with 10–12 m stars.
C11 at 115x with O-III filter. Even with the filter, it was very faint, large and of low
surface brightness. No details to report.
Model (where the Sun is a baseball):
Its diameter would be 274 miles.
Distance (LY): 3900 Luminosity (suns): 14.0