buffer of raw material so the extruder can operate without interruption.
Typically, the height of raw material in the bin is maintained within defined
limits by high and low sensors which activate a conveyor supplying the bin. The
bin is designed to prevent bridging of its contents and blocking the feed screw
leading to the preconditioner. Speed of the feed screw to the conditioner or
extruder must be variable to ensure a continuous uniform supply of raw material,
which, in turn, leads to consistent and uniform operation of the extruder.
Because single-screw extruders have relatively poor mixing ability, they are
usually supplied with premixed material which often has been preconditioned
with added steam and water. Generally, preconditioning prior to extrusion
enhances extrusion processes which benefit from higher moisture content and
longer equilibration time. Preconditioning of the raw material typically
improves the life of wearing components in the extruder by several fold.
Although the weight of ingredients in the extrusion system is increased,
preconditioners are relatively inexpensive to build for the volume they hold and
time added to the process for preconditioning. Product quality can be improved
greatly by preconditioning the raw ingredients.
The single-screw extruder barrel assembly is composed of a jacketed head, a
rotating extruder shaft which carries screws and shearlocks, a stationary barrel
housing, a die, and the product cut-off knife. The screws are the key element of
the single-screw extruder and their geometry influences performance of the
extruder. The barrel bore may be uniform in diameter from inlet to discharge; it
can be tapered, decreasing in a bore diameter from inlet to discharge; or it can be
of uniform diameter with the final segment of the barrel being tapered or
decreasing in diameter. A screw configuration consisting of a variable pitch,
constant depth, increasing root diameter, increasing number of flights, shear-
locks, and decreasing end diameter is most frequently used in the food industry.
A single-screw barrel can be divided into three processing zones: feeding zone,
kneading zone and the final cooking zone (Mercier et al., 1989). The feeding zone
generally has deep chan nels which receive the feed. The preconditioned or dry
material entering this zone is conveyed to the kneading zone. Water may be
injected at this point to help develop a dough and improve heat transfer in the
extruder barrel. As the material is conveyed into the kneading zone, its density
increases because of water and steam addition. Screw pitch in this zone decreases
and the flight angle also decreases to facilitate mixing and a higher degree of
barrel fill. This zone applies compression, mild shear and thermal energy to the
feedstock, and the extrudate begins to lose some of its granular definition. By the
end of this zone, the feed material is a viscoamorphic mass at or above 100ºC
(212ºF) (Faubion et al., 1982). The reduced slip at the barrel wall prevents the
food material from turning with the screw, referred to as ‘drag flow’ (Miller,
1990). A continuous screw channel serves as a path for ‘pressure-induced flow’
because the pressure behind the die is much higher than at the extruder inlet.
‘Leakage flow’ also occurs in the clearance between the screw tip and the barrel
wall. The flight of the screw may be interrupted in this area to further increase
mixing via leakage flow (Rokey, 2000). The mechanism of shear begins to play a
34 Extrusion cooking