prawn crackers 161
preconditioners 38, 39, 149–50
preconditioning 77
breakfast cereals 147–50
preconditioning conditions 149–50
predicting hydration time 147–8
residence time distribution 148–9
pregelatinised flours 20, 169–70
pre-gelling process 183–4
die 95
drops 76
profile along barrel 58–66
pressurization 190
pretzels 194
process control 83–107
in action 100–3
implementation procedure 100–1
MPC 101–3
review 101, 102
baby foods 196–7
benefits of 85–6
challenges 86–8
control loop 84
instrumentation 93–7
product requirements 86–90
key control points in meeting 90–3
requirements to be met 85
process monitoring 97–100
requirements and process control
key control points 90–3
size and shape 89–90
temperature measurement 95
product development 121, 122
programmable logic controller (PLC) 98
proteins 180, 186
dispersed-phase filling materials 8, 22
nutritional quality 112–13
structure-forming materials based on
7–8, 11, 20–1
puffed breakfast cereals 136, 137, 138
predicting drying time 156–7
puffed wheat 163
pulse generator 94
quadratic criterion 70–1
quality 180
nutritional see nutritional quality
radial mixing 149, 150
Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) 95, 152–4,
raw cut vegetable snacks 162
raw materials 5–28
classification by functional role 7–11
colouring substances 10, 25–6
dispersed-phase filling materials 8–9,
flavouring substances 10, 26–7
general nature 5–6
nucleating substances 9–10, 25
plasticisers and lubricants 9, 22–4
soluble solids 9, 24–5
structure-forming materials 7–8, 11–21
based on protein 7–8, 11, 20–1
based on starch 7–8, 11–20
transformations in extrusion cooking
real-time predictive model 69, 70–2
reduced model 69, 70–2
relaxation thermograms 71
‘representational’ models 67
residence time distribution (RTD) 148–9
resistant starch (RS) 111
rheological properties 54, 95
see also viscosity
rice 16, 19
rotameter 94
SCADA (Supervisory, Control and Data
Acquisition) systems 97–100
architecture 97–8
design and implementation 99–100
features 99
screw presses 39
screws 31–2
configuration 91
speed 94
wear and minerals 118
see also single-screw extruders; twin-
screw extruders
secondary filling, co-extrusion with 179
sectional expansion index (SEI) 154–6
segmented single-screw wet extruders
31–2, 32–6
advantages and disadvantages 35–6
applications 35
sensible heat 190
sensors 93–7
existing 93–5
novel 95–7
soft 96–7, 101–3
shape, product 89–90
directly expanded snacks 177
dough 167
204 Index