and paddle configuration. This can be investigated by determining the Residence
Time Distribution (RTD). In fact, the determ ination of the RTD provides two
important answers. The first is the time history offered by the preconditioner,
which is used to obtain the required hydration time. The second is the degree of
axial mixing, which contributes to the effectiveness of the fluid/particle contact
in the preconditioner. The extent of radial mixing also affects this contact; it
depends on shaft rotation speed and paddle geometry.
Although preconditioners have long been associa ted with extrusion-cooking
processes, engineering studies like RTD analysis in preconditioning are still very
rare. Recently , Bouvier investigated the RTD in a twin shaft counter-rotating
This study showed that flow behaviour in the preconditioner
ranged between plug flow and perfectly mixed flow (high axial mixing),
depending on operating conditions (shaft rotation speed and paddle
configuration, in particular). For example, increasing shaft rotation speed from
60 to 200 rpm, shifted the flow behaviour from ideal plug flow to perfectly
mixed flow.
In preconditio ning, the RTD can be represented by the classical tanks-in-
series model which involves two important parameters:
ts, the average
residence time and J, the number of perfectly mixed tanks in series. Actually, the
value of J reflects the degree of axial mixing in the preconditioner. The highest
degree of axial mixin g theoretically corresponds to J 1, where the distribution
shows very large dispersion of residence time; this is called perfectly mixed
flow. In contrast, when J !1, the flow behaves as a plug flow with no axial
mixing and no dispersion of residence time.
The practical implication of RTD is preconditioning efficiency. If the
distribution is broad, some of the particles may spend some short time in the
preconditioner and receive insufficient moisture. This is a particular problem
when the raw materials show a wide dispersion of particle sizes. In fact, shorter
times may generate important mo isture gradients within the particle s,
particularly the biggest ones, resulting in particles with various moisture
contents; this would introduce further cooking heterogeneities in the extruder.
Intermediate dispersions of RTD must be applied in preconditioning, to avoi d
too short times and to obtain sufficient axial mixing. This means values of 5–7
for J. It must be noted that the efficiency of mixin g also depends upon radial
mixing which is particularly affected by shaft rotation speed and paddle design,
which will be discussed in the next section.
Preconditioners and preconditioning conditions
Breakfast cereal manufacturers mostly use twin shaft counter-rotating
preconditioners, which offer much better mixing and hence more homogeneous
prehumidification compared with single shaft preconditioners. Preconditioners
are characterized primarily by their free volume, filling ratio and specific
capacity. The filling ratio expresses the ratio of the mix volume (based on mix
bulk density) to the free volume; the mix volume being measured when the
preconditioner is stopped. The specific capacity expresses the ratio of the mass
Breakfast cereals 149