Guide on How to Develop a Small Hydropower Plant ESHA 2004
Figure 6.35: mechanical speed governor
In the past, the most commonly used type was the oil-pressure governor (Fig 6.35) that also uses a
flyball mechanism, which is lighter and more precise than that used in a purely mechanical
governor. When the turbine is overloaded, the flyballs slowdown, the balls drop, and the sleeve of
the pilot valve rises to open access to the upper chamber of the servomotor. The oil under pressure
enters the upper chamber of the servomotor to rotate the wicket-gates mechanism, increase the flow,
and consequently the rotational speed and the frequency.
In a modern electrical-hydraulic governor a sensor located on the generator shaft continuously
senses the turbine speed. The input is fed into a summing junction, where it is compared to a speed
reference. If the speed sensor signal differs from the reference signal, it emits an error signal
(positive or negative) that, once amplified, is sent to the servomotor so this can act in the required
sense. In general the actuator is powered by a hydraulic power unit (photo 6.10) consisting of a
sump for oil storage, an electric motor operated pump to supply high pressure oil to the system, an
accumulator where the oil under pressure is stored, oil control valves and a hydraulic cylinder. All
these regulation systems, as have been described, operate by continuously adjusting the wicket-
gates position back and forth. To provide quick and stable adjustment of the wicket-gates, and/or of
the runner blades, with the least amount of over or under speed deviations during system changes a
further device is needed. In oil pressure governors, as may be seen in figure 6.37, this is achieved by
interposing a "dash pot" that delays the opening of the pilot valve. In electrical-hydraulic governors
the degree of sophistication is much greater, so that the adjustment can be proportional, integral and
derivative (PID) giving a minimum variation in the controlling process.
An asynchronous generator connected to a stable electric grid, does not need any controller, because
its frequency is controlled by the mains. Notwithstanding this, when the generator is disconnected
from the mains the turbine accelerates up to runaway speed of the turbine. Generator and speed
increaser have to be designed to withstand this speed long enough until the water flow is closed by
the controlling system (guide vanes or valve).
To ensure the control of the turbine speed by regulating the water flow, certain inertia of the
rotating components is required. Additional inertia can be provided by a flywheel, on the turbine, or
the generator shaft. When the main switch disconnects the generator, the power excess accelerates
the flywheel; later, when the switch reconnects the load, the deceleration of this inertia flywheel
supplies additional power that helps to minimise speed variation. The basic equation of the rotating
system is the following:
J −=
[Nm] (6.32)
where: J = moment of inertia of the rotating components [kg m
Ω = angular velocity [rad/s]
= torque of turbine [Nm]
= torque due to load [Nm]
When T
is equal to T
, d Ω /dt = 0 and Ω = constant, so the operation is steady. When T
is greater
or smaller than T
, Ω is not constant and the governor must intervene so that the turbine output