chapter two
Plutarch describes a wild scene, worth quoting in full: ‘e essalians
and allies also, aer exceeding in their decrees every honour that can
tly be paid to human excellence, showed still more by their grief how
grateful they were to him. For it is said that those who were in the
action neither took o their breastplates nor unbridled their horses
nor bound up their wounds, when they learned of his death, but, still
life and sense, heaped round it the spoils of the enemy, sheared their
horses manes, and cut o their own hair; and when they had gone to
their tents, many neither kindled a re nor took supper, but silence
and dejection reigned through all the camp, as if they had not won a
great and most brilliant victory, but had been defeated by the tyrant
and made his slaves. From the cities, too, when tidings of these things
reached them, came the magistrates, accompanied by youths and boys
and priests, to take up the body, and they brought trophies and wreaths
and suits of golden armour’.
Cornelios Nepos supplements this account
by observing that all of the essalian cities set up bronze statues in
honor of Pelopidas and made substantial gis of land to his children.
Αt Delphi a fragmentary statue base is preserved with an inscribed
dedicatory epigram indicating that the essalians had dedicated a statue
of Pelopidas made by Lysippos: ‘Aer destroying Sparta … with praise
eban] the essalians dedi[cated to Pythian Apollo]. Lysippos son of
Lys[… of Sikyon made it]’.
e essalians argued with the ebans
Plut. Pelop. .–, trans. Perrin: ο6 δ Θεσσαλο κα ο6 σ,μμαχοι π1σαν %ν"ρω-
πνGη πρ.πουσαν %ρετG= τιμν το5ς ψηφσμασιν (περβαλ#ντες
, 3τι μ1λλον !πεδεξαντο
το5ς π"εσι τν πρ4ς τ4ν dνδρα χριν
. τος μν γρ παραγεγον#τας τX 3ργXω λ.γουσι
μτε ":ρακα ".σ"αι μτε Rππον !κχαλιν σαι μτε τραμα δσασ"αι πρ#τερον
, Hς
!π,"οντο τν !κενου τελευτν
, %λλ μετ τ ν πλων "ερμος #ντας !π τ4ν νεκρ4ν
nσπερ ασ"αν#μενον
, τ τ ν πολεμων κ,κλXω περ τ4 σ μα σωρε,ειν λφυρα, κε5-
ραι δ Rππους
, κερασ"αι δ κα α0το,ς, %πι#ντας δ πολλος !π σκηνς μτε πρ
%νψαι μτε δε5πνον Iλ.σ"αι
, σιγν δ κα κατφειαν ε?ναι το στρατοπ.δου παντ#ς,
nσπερ ο0 νενικηκ#των !πιφανεσττην νκην κα μεγστην, %λλ’ \ττημ.νων (π4 το
τυρννου κα καταδεδουλωμ.νων
. !κ δ τ ν π#λεων, Hς %πηγγ.λ"η τατα, παρ=σαν
αR τε %ρχα κα μετ
’ α0τ ν 3φηβοι κα πα5δες κα 6ερε5ς πρ4ς τν (ποδοχν το σ:μα-
, τρ#παια κα στεφνους κα πανοπλας χρυσ1ς !πιφ.ροντες. Cf. Georgiadou ,
pp. –.
Nep. Pelop...
Σπρτημ μγ χρ[ωσας -----]|ε0λογαι πιστ ---------|[πλε]ιστκι
ΔΗ ---
στ=]σαι Βοιω[τ --------]|Πελοπδαν 8Ιπ[π#κλου Θηβα5ον]|Θεσσαλο
["ηκαν QΑπ#λλωνι Πυ"ωι]|Λ,σιππος Λυσ[- - - Σικυ:νιος !ποησε]. For a text, cf.
Bousquet , pp. – (SEG , ; BullÉp, no. ). For a new restoration of