The cylindrical form is made of an insulating substance, such as porcelain. The film is deposited
on this form by various methods, and the value tailored as desired. Metal-film resistors can be made
to have nearly exact values. Film-type resistors usually have low to medium-high resistance.
A major advantage of film-type resistors is that they, like carbon-composition resistors, do not
have much inductance or capacitance. A disadvantage, in some applications, is that they can’t han-
dle as much power as carbon-composition or wirewound types.
Integrated-Circuit (IC) Resistors
Resistors can be fabricated on a semiconductor wafer known as an integrated circuit (IC), also called
a chip. The thickness, and the types and concentrations of impurities added, control the resistance
of the component. Integrated-circuit resistors can handle only a tiny amount of power because of
their small size.
The Potentiometer
Figure 6-8 is a simplified drawing of the construction of a potentiometer, or variable resistor. A resis-
tive strip, similar to that found on film-type fixed resistors, is bent into a nearly complete circle, and
terminals are connected to either end. This forms a fixed resistance. To obtain the variable resist-
ance, a sliding contact is attached to a rotatable shaft and bearing, and is connected to a third ter-
minal. The resistance between the middle terminal and either of the end terminals can vary from
zero up to the resistance of the whole strip.
Some potentiometers use a straight strip of resistive material, and the control moves up and
down or from side to side. This type of variable resistor, called a slide potentiometer, is used in hi-fi
audio graphic equalizers, as the volume controls in some hi-fi audio amplifiers, and in other applica-
tions when a linear scale is preferable to a circular scale. Potentiometers are manufactured to handle
low levels of current, at low voltage.
Linear-Taper Potentiometer
One type of potentiometer uses a strip of resistive material whose density is constant all the way
around. This results in a linear taper. The resistance between the center terminal and either end ter-
minal changes at a steady rate as the control shaft is turned.
90 Resistors
6-7 Construction of a
film-type resistor.