XII.5 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Small Data and v
6= 0 837
Stokes problem, as it stands, cannot be used to obtain existence for the ful l
nonli near Navier–Stokes problem. In fact, existence o f solutions of the exterior
two-dimensional Navier–Stokes problem corresponding to v
= 0 remains an
open question, even for smal l data.
On the other hand, the L
theory for the linearized Oseen problem de-
rived in Theorem VII.5.1 does not suffer from these drawbacks and can be
used, at least in principle, to show existence to the nonlinear problem when
6= 0, v
= e
, say. However, employing these estimates, together with a
contraction-mapping technique, we have to face other problems. Actually, we
wish to find a fixed poi nt (in a subset X of an appropriate Banach space) of
the mapping
L : u ∈ X → L(u) = v ∈ X
where v solves the problem
∆v + R
= Ru · ∇u + ∇π + f
∇ · v = 0
in Ω
v = v
+ e
at ∂Ω
v(x) = 0.
(XII.5.1 )
In the limit of small data, i.e., R → 0, as is usually requested by a contraction
argument, there will be a competition between the linear term
(XII.5.2 )
and the nonlinear one
Ru · ∇u. (XII.5.3)
If, in the range of vanishing R, the contribution of the former were negligible
with respect to that of the latter, i t would be very unlikely to prove existence,
because the linear part in (XII.5.1) would then approach the Stokes system
for which, as we noticed, the procedure is not working. Fortunately, what
happ ens is that (XII.5.2) prevails on (XII.5.3) and the ma chinery produces
nonli near existence. Nevertheless, the proof o f this fact is by no means trivial
and, in fact, i t relies on the following two crucial circumstances:
(a) The validity of suitable, new a priori estimates for solutions to the
linearized Oseen problem where, unlike those derived in Theorem VII.7.1
(cf. (VII.7 .29)), the constant c entering the estimates themselves does not
depend on R ∈ (0, 1]; cf. Lemma XII.5.1. Because of the Stokes paradox, the
new estimates have to be weaker than (VII.7.29); cf. Remark VII.7.2.
See t he Notes for this Chapter regarding some existence results when v
= 0.