648 IX Steady Navier–Stokes Flow in Bounded Domains
the Stokes problem, is due to Temam (1977, Chapter II, Propo sition 1.1).
All the above results hold in dimension n = 2, 3 but fail if n ≥ 4. The
problem of regularity in higher dimensions has been considered by von Wahl
(1978, Satz II.1) who gave a first, partial answer for n = 4. Successively,
Gerhardt (1979) proved regularity of generalized solutions in dimension n = 4.
An analogous theorem has been later obtained, by different tool s, by Giaquinta
& Modica (1982). Results found by all the above a uthors, however, do not
admi t a direct generalization to higher dimensions. Regularity of generalized
solution v in arbitrary dimension n ≥ 2 was first proved by von Wahl (19 86)
as a by-product of his study on the unsteady Navier–Stokes equations; cf. also
Sohr & von Wahl (1984). von Wahl’s assumptions on v are a particular case
of those of Theorem IX.5.2, obtained by setting there s = 2. He also requires
extra regularity on Ω.
As a lready emphasized, our proof of smoothness of generalized (a nd q-
generalized) solutions is based on Lemma IX.5.1. Thi s lemma improves an
analogous result shown in Galdi (1994b, Chapter VIII, Lemma 5.1)
An interior regularity result simi lar to that of Theorem IX.5.1(a) is given
by Kim & Kozono (2006, Corollary 5). However, these authors require n ≥ 3
and p ∈ L
(Ω), which are not needed in Theorem IX.5 .1(a).
In the paper of Kim & Kozono, the interesting problem of removable sin-
gularities is also addressed. More precisely, assuming that a solution (v, p)
to the steady-state Navier–Stokes equation is regular i n the punctured ba ll
B −{x
}, the q uestion is to find conditions on the behavior of v(x) as x → x
that ensure that the solution is regular in the whole of B. Similar questions
were previously addressed by Dyer & Edmunds (1970), who first studied the
problem, Shapiro (1974, 1976b, 1976c), and Choe & Ki m (2000).
The i mportant question of regularity of very weak solutions has been inves-
tigated by several authors. For interior regularity, we recall the contribution
of Kim & Kozono previously m entioned and its improved version furnished
by me in Theorem IX.5.1(a). Results on regularity up to the boundary can
be found in Maruˇs´ıc-Paloka (2000, Remark 3), Farwig, Galdi & Sohr (2006,
Corollary 1.5), Farwig & Sohr (200 9, Theorem 1.5), and Kim (2009, The-
orem 3). In particular, in the latter two papers, the authors independently
prove a result analo gous to Theorem IX.5.2(a), under the foll owing assump-
tions (i) v ∈ L
(Ω), q
= n, if n ≥ 3, q
> 2, if n = 2; (ii) ∇ · v = g,
g ∈ L
(Ω) ∩W
(Ω) with a sufficiently “small” norm; (iii) v satisfies (∗∗)
for all ψ ∈ C
(Ω), and Ω of class C
(Farwig & Sohr), all ψ ∈
(Ω), and Ω
of class C
(Kim). All the above results leave open the intriguing question of
weather, for n = 2, a very weak solution, wi th v ∈ L
(Ω) and corresponding
to regular data, is regular.
different (and formally simpler) proof of regularity, based on the estimates of