V.9 Notes for the Chapter 363
been the first to recognize that, for existence, the condition of zero flux of v
through the boundary is not necessary (see Finn, loc. cit., Remark on p. 371).
The solenoidal extension of the boundary data , g iven in (V.2.5), in the
case ω = 0 is due to Ladyzhenskaya (1969, p. 41).
Section V.3. Lemma V.3.1 generalizes Lemma 4.2 of Fujita (1961). Theorem
V.3. 2, Theorem V.3.4, and Theorem V.3.5 are an extension of classical results
due to Chang & Finn (1961). A weaker version of the latter can be found in
Finn & Nol l (1957). Theorem V.3.3 is due to me; see also Galdi & Sima der
Section V.4. All results and methods are originally due to me. Notwith-
standing, mainly in the literature of the early nineties, one can find a number
of contributions by several authors, that cover, in part, some of these results.
However, their approach is different than the one I introduced here.
Weaker versions of Lemma V.4.3 wi th m = 0, n = 3 and q = 2 were
originally given by Masuda (1975, Proposition 1 (iii)) and Heywood (1 980,
Lemma 1).
Theorem V.4.6, for m = 0, n = 3 and 1 < q < 3/2, was shown for the
first time by Solonnikov (1973, Theorem 2.3). Generalizations of this result to
higher values of q were first investigated by Maremonti & Solonnikov (1986);
see also Maremonti & Solonnikov (1 985). The extension of Solonnikov’s result
to arbitrary dimension n ≥ 3 can be deduced from the work of Borchers
& Sohr (198 7). Lemma V.4.3 and Lemm a V.4.4 and Theorem V.4.6 in the
particular case where m = 0 and n = 3 can be deduced from the work of
Maslennikova & Timoshin (1989, 1990). A way of avoiding quotient spaces in
Theorem V.4.6 is to modify suitably the conditions at infinity. This view has
been considered by Maremonti & Solo nnikov (1990).
The validity o f (V.4.15) with m = 0 in a more restricted class of functions
has been disproved by Borchers & Miyakawa (199 2). The results contained
in Theorem V.4.8 have been the object of several researches. In this regard,
we refer the reader to the work of Sohr & Varnhorn (1990), Kozono & Sohr
(1991), Deuring (1990a, 1990b, 199 0c, 1991), and Deuring & von Wahl (1989).
Existence, uniqueness, and estimates for strong solutions in weighted
Sobolev spaces have been studied by Choquet-Bruhat & Christodoulou (1981),
Specovius-Neugebauer (1986), Farwig (1990), Girault & Sequeira (1991) and
Pulidori (1993).
Section V.5. Here we follow the ideas of Galdi & Simader (1990). Theorem
V.5. 1 in the case n ≥ 3, q ∈ (n/(n − 1), n) and Ω of class C
, λ > 0, was
first obtained by H. Kozono a nd H. Sohr in a preprint of 1989 and published
later in 1991. In particular, in this paper we find a first systematic study
of the Stokes problem in exterior domain in homogeneous Sobolev spaces.
The estimates contained in Theorem V.5.1 when q ∈ (1, n/(n −1)] were first
derived by W. Borchers and T. Miyakawa in 1989 a nd published later in
1990. Generalizations of Theorem V.5.1 along the lines of Exercise V.5.1 are
considered by Kozono & Sohr (1992b) and Farwig, Sima der and Sohr (1993).