228 III The Function Spaces of Hydrodynamics
when n ≥ 2 and q ∈ (1, ∞), and finally, by Dur´an & Lop´ez Garc´ıa (2010) for
n = 2 and q ∈ (1, ∞). The main difference among the results proved by these
authors relies either upon the method used to construct v or upo n the regu-
larity assumptions made on Ω. In particular, the method of Bogovski
i is based
on the explicit representation formula (III.3.8) which adapts to the di vergence
operator a well-known formula of Sobolev (1963a, Chapter 7, §4; specifically,
see eq. (7.9)). A similar representation for the curl operator has been given
by Griesinger (1990a, 1990b). Wi th the exception of Solonnikov &
(1973), Bogovski
i (1980), Kapitanski
i & Pileckas (1984), a nd Borchers & Sohr
(1990), all other mentioned authors consider the case Ω bounded. However,
once (III.3.1), (III.3.2) is solved for such domains, the problem for Ω exterior
can b e directly handled by using the technique of Theorem III.3.6. The case
Ω = R
requires, apparently, a separate treatment and will be considered in
Section IV.3; see Corol lary IV.3.1. In this respect, we refer the reader to the
papers of Cattabriga (1961), Solonnikov &
Sˇcadilov (1973 ) and Solonnikov
(1973, 1983). These latter two papers deserve particular attention where ex-
plicit sol utions are given (see Solonnikov 1973, formula (2.38), and Solonnikov
1983, Lemma 2.1).
Problem (III.3.1), (III.3.2) can also be solved in Sobolev spaces W
with s real, Bogovski
i (1979 , 1980 ), and in certain weighted Sobolev spaces
(Voldrich 1984). In this respect, as we already observed i n Remark III.3.5,
problem (III. 3.1), (I II.3.2) can not be solved i n (bounded) domains having an
external cusp. Nevertheless, Dur´an & L´opez Garc´ıa (2 010) have shown that,
for such domains, it can still be solved in suitable weighted Sobolev spaces,
with weights depending on the type of cusp.
For Ω exterior, results i n weighted Sobolev spaces can be obtained by
using, in Theorem III.3.6, Stein’s Theorem II.11.5 instead of Theorem II.11.4.
In this regard, we refer the reader to the papers of Specovious-Neugebauer
(1986) and L ockhart & McOwen (1983). We fina lly mention that the same
type of problem can be analyzed for the equation curl v = f . In addition to
the already cited pap ers of Gri esinger, we refer the interested reader to the
book of Girault & Raviart (1986) and to the works of Borchers & Sohr (1990),
von Wahl (1989, 1990a) and Bolik & von Wahl (1997).
Theorem III.3.4 is due to Gal di (1992a). A different pro of of Theorem
III.3.5 (with slightly more stringent assumptions on the regularity of Ω, is
given in Farwig & Sohr (1994a, Corollary 2.2). Extensions of these results
to Sobolev spaces W
(Ω) with s real and (suitably) negative are shown in
Geissert, Heck, a nd Hieber (2006, §2).
The numerical value of the constant c appearing in (III.3.2)
and (III.3.65)
is very important for several applications, see, e.g., Chapters VI and XII. In
this respect, we refer the reader to the papers of Horga n & Wheeler (1978),
Horgan & Payne (1983), Velte (1990), and Stoyan (2001).
A different proof of Theorem III.3.7, origi nall y due to Kapitanski
i &
Pileckas (1984, Theorem 1), was provided, in a different context, by Dacorogna