Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?
Colwell holds a BSEE from the University of Pittsburgh and an MSEE and
a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University.
William J. Dally, NAE, is the Willard R. and Inez Kerr Bell Professor
of Engineering at Stanford University and chair of the Computer Sci-
ence Department. He is also chief scientist and vice president of NVIDIA
Research. He has done pioneering development work at Bell Telephone
Laboratories, the California Institute of Technology, and the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology, where he was a professor of electrical
engineering and computer science. At Stanford University, his group
has developed the Imagine processor, which introduced the concepts of
stream processing and partitioned register organizations. Dr. Dally has
worked with Cray Research and Intel to incorporate many of those inno-
vations into commercial parallel computers and with Avici Systems to
incorporate the technology into Internet routers, and he cofounded Velio
Communications to commercialize high-speed signaling technology and
Stream Processors to commercialize stream-processor technology. He is a
fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and of the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and has received numer-
ous honors, including the ACM Maurice Wilkes award. He has published
more than 150 papers and is an author of the textbooks Digital Systems
Engineering (Cambridge University Press, 1998) and Principles and Practices
of Interconnection Networks (Morgan Kaufmann, 2003). Dr. Dally is a mem-
ber of the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) and
was a member of the CSTB committee that produced the report Getting
up to Speed: The Future of Supercomputing.
Dan Dobberpuhl, NAE, cofounder, president, and CEO of P. A. Semi,
has been credited with developing fundamental breakthroughs in the
evolution of high-speed and low-power microprocessors. Before start-
ing P. A. Semi, Mr. Dobberpuhl was vice president and general man-
ager of the broadband processor division of Broadcom Corporation. He
came to Broadcom via an acquisition of his previous company, SiByte,
Inc., founded in 1998, which was sold to Broadcom in 2000. Before that,
he worked for Digital Equipment Corporation for more than 20 years,
where he was credited with creating some of the most fundamental break-
throughs in microprocessing technology. In 1998, EE Times named Mr.
Dobberpuhl as one of the “40 forces to shape the future of the Semicon-
ductor Industry.” In 2003, he was awarded the prestigious IEEE Solid
State Circuits Award for “pioneering design of high-speed and low-power
microprocessors.” In 2006, Mr. Dobberpuhl was elected to the National
Academy of Engineering for “innovative design and implementation of
high-performance, low-power microprocessors.” Mr. Dobberpuhl holds