Appendix E
E-29. When inspecting the center wing and wingtips, check ⎯
z For dents and cracks in the skin.
z For buckling in the wing spar caps (reinforcing structure in the wing that appears as a gray
shadow along the length of the center wing and wingtips). Damage to the wing spar caps
prevents the aircraft from flying and necessitates a depot level repair.
z Wing-pins (that hold the wingtip to the center wing) for damage.
z The o-rings on the wing-pin for damage (these hold the wingtip securely to the center wing).
z The wing snap screws on the center wing.
z That the leading edge of the wing has maintained its shape.
E-30. When inspecting the fuselage, check ⎯
z For dents and cracks in the skin.
z Wing snap screws.
z lectrical contacts (need to be free of grit or dust).
z Antenna is intact.
z Landing pad is secure and not damaged.
E-31. When inspecting the propeller, check ⎯
z Propeller for cracks and nicks.
z Propeller is secure.
E-32. When inspecting the tailboom, check ⎯
z For dents and cracks in the skin.
z Tailboom is fasten securely to the fuselage.
z Electrical contacts are free of grit or dust.
z Stabilizer horn pivot housing is firmly seated in the end of the tailboom.
z Centering of the stabilizer pivot pin in the housing.
E-33. When inspecting the horizontal stabilizer, check ⎯
z For dents and cracks in the skin.
z Stabilizer clip for damage.
E-34. The final check should be for general alignment. Looking down the nose of the aircraft, all the
components should be straight and aligned without any skewing.
E-8 FMI 3-04.155 4 April 2006