Appendix B
B-6 FMI 3-04.155 4 April 2006
would be to import a created FalconView screen capture into a PowerPoint slide. See section VII of this
appendix for example format and detailed information.
B-34. Battalion commander, S3, S2, fire support officer (FSO), or company commander determines a need
for SUAS mission.
B-35. Battalion S3 (or S3 Air if assigned) ensures no internal battalion conflict with other internal SUAS
operations and known airspace users (aircraft, CAS, fires, C-RAM, and others) and passes initial mission
data to the supporting company to begin planning. The company, with assistance from the SUAS MC,
creates a detailed flight plan that includes specific routes, times, and locations. The battalion S3 also
submits a mission request up to the BCT’s ADAM/BAE (see section VII of this appendix).
B-36. If the ADAM/BAE receives the request by voice or text, they enter the pertinent airspace data into
the TAIS. Automatic entry of data into the TAIS occurs when the received data is via WebACMR. The
ADAM/BAE reviews the mission request to determine any airspace conflicts between the SUAS and other
airspace users in the brigade AO.
z Because most SUAS missions fly below the coordinating altitude, the focus for deconfliction
will be with Army aviation or CAS weapons effects.
z Theater-specific directives will determine mission request approval authority. In OIF, approval
authority resides at the division.
z When employing C-RAM capabilities in the brigade AOR, a BDZ or similar ACM may impose
certain additional deconfliction or coordination requirements on UAS operations, including
coordination with any C-RAM unit operating at intended SUAS launch/recovery sites.
B-37. If a conflict exists, the ADAM/BAE determines mission priority based upon the commander’s
guidance and makes recommendations to the brigade airspace approval authority (brigade S3 or brigade
commander). Upon COA approval, the ADAM/BAE notifies the affected battalion S3/S3 Air and provides
recommended modifications to support mission request if possible.
z Battalion S3/S3 Air accepts modifications or provides an alternative COA.
z The ADAM/BAE then updates the modified/alternate mission data with higher headquarters.
B-38. The ADAM/BAE deconflicts the mission request and forwards to higher headquarters A2C2 cell and
G3 aviation cell (usually the division).
z As the company further refines the mission details, it sends the updated data to the battalion
S3/S3 Air, who in turn forwards it to the ADAM/BAE.
z The ADAM/BAE adds any additional details/modifications to the mission request, which is now
potentially visible at every brigade and above level A2C2 cell in theater.
B-39. The division A2C2 cell forwards the approved mission request to higher A2C2 cells and all
subordinate BCTs and support brigades (such as fires brigade, maneuver enhancement brigade, BFSB, and
aviation brigade) for coordination and safety purposes. If the approval authority is division or higher, the
mission request will be approved when deconflicted.
z If the mission request conflicts with other missions, division A2C2 cell determines mission
priority based upon the commander’s guidance and makes recommendations to the airspace
approval authority (usually the division G3).
z Once the airspace approval authority approves a COA, the division A2C2 cell notifies the
affected BCT ADAM/BAE cell of the conflict and provides recommended modifications to
support the mission request.