The work for this study could not have been completed without
extensive help from a variety of different sources. In particular
I would like to acknowledge the support provided by the Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Canadian
Centennial Scholarship Fund, the UK Government ORSAS, and the
Clarendon Fund of the University of Oxford.
I would also like to acknowledge the support given by the Keble
Association, the Faculty of Classics at Oxford, and the Council for
British Research on the Levant for providing me with the opportunity
to conduct field research in Syria.
Thanks are due to Ellen Aitken, Dean of the Faculty of Religious
Studies at McGill University, for making it possible to bring a central
aspect of this subject to the classroom in a self-contained course; and
to the students at McGill who, in the winter of 2009, allowed me to
inflict it on them. I am also grateful to those students and faculty at
the University of California, Santa Barbara, as well as those others in
or otherwise connected with the UC system, who have led the way in
the study of ancient borderlands through a series of conferences held
at UCSB, and who provided valuable feedback and criticism about my
ideas on the subject.
I am grateful to Mat Dalton of the University of Cambridge for
drawing the maps; to the anonymous reader at OUP for his/her
comments on the manuscript; and to Emma Barber, Kathleen
Fearn, Kathie Gill, Veronica Ions, and Dorothy McCarthy for their
editorial assistance throughout. Thank you as well to my research
assistant at Carleton, Anik Laferrière, for her help proofing and
checking the final manuscript, and for the precision which she
brought to the job of indexing.
I thank Johns Hopkins University Press for permission to include
material in Chapter 3, originally published as ‘The political develop-
ment of the Ghassān between Rome and Iran’, which appeared in
the Journal of Late Antiquity, 1/2 (2008), 313–36,
# Johns Hopkins
University Press.
The hard work and support of my teachers, colleagues, and friends
has been instrumental: most notably, the criticisms and encouragement