1 4 M A T H E M A T I C A L P R E L I M I N A R I E S
numbers that contain four components, and that do not obey the commutative property of
multiplication. He called the new numbers quaternions. A quaternion has the form
u + xi + yj + zk (1.17)
in which the quantities i, j, k are akin to the quantity i = √–1 in complex numbers,
x + iy. The component u forms the scalar part, and the three components xi + yj + zk
form the vector part of the quaternion. The coefficients x, y, z can be considered to be
the Cartesian components of a point P in space. The quantities i, j, k are qualitative units
that are directed along the coordinate axes. Two quaternions are equal if their scalar parts
are equal, and if their coefficients x, y, z of i, j, k are respectively equal. The sum of two
quaternions is a quaternion. In operations that involve quaternions, the usual rules of
multiplication hold except in those terms in which products of i, j, k occur — in these
terms, the commutative law does not hold. For example
j k = i, k j = – i, k i = j, i k = – j, i j = k, j i = – k, (1.18)
(these products obey a right-hand rule),
= j
= k
= –1. (Note the relation to i
= –1). (1.19)
The product of two quaternions does not commute. For example, if
p = 1 + 2i + 3j + 4k, and q = 2 + 3i + 4j + 5k
pq = – 36 + 6i + 12j + 12k