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= (∂F/∂y)δy + (∂F/∂y´)δy´ for fixed x. (Here, dy/dx = y´).
The integral
[x1, x2]
F(x, y, y´)dx, (9.6)
is stationary if its value along the path y is the same as its value along the varied path,
y + δy = Y. We therefore require
[x1, x2]
δF(x, y, y´)dx = 0. (9.7)
This integral can be written
[x1, x2]
{(∂F/∂y)δy + (∂F/∂y´)δy´}dx = 0. (9.8)
The second term in this integral can be evaluated by parts, giving
– ∫
[x1, x2]
(d/dx)(∂F/∂y´)δydx. (9.9)
But δy
= δy
= 0 at the end-points x
and x
, therefore the term [ ]
= 0, so that the
stationary condition becomes
[x1, x2]
{∂F/∂y – (d/dx)∂F/∂y´}δydx = 0. (9.10)
The infinitesimal quantity δy is positive and arbitrary, therefore, the integrand is zero:
∂F/∂y – (d/dx)∂F/∂y´ = 0. (9.11)
This is known as Euler’s equation.
9.2 The Lagrange equations
Lagrange, one of the greatest mathematicians of the 18th century, developed
Euler’s equation in order to treat the problem of particle dynamics within the framework
of generalized coordinates. He made the transformation
F(x, y, dy/dx) → L(t, u, du/dt) (9.12)