N E W T O N I A N G R A V I T A T I O N 128
= 2k/r
= 2GM
, for a particle launched from the surface of the
Earth. This condition is, in fact, an energy equation
(1/2)(m = 1)v
= GM
(m = 1)/R
. (7.50)
kinetic energy potential energy
7. 8 The concept of the gravitational field
Newton was well-aware of the great difficulties that arise in any theory of the
gravitational interaction between two masses not in direct contact with each other. In the
Principia, he assumes, in the absence of any experimental knowledge of the speed of
propagation of the gravitational interaction, that the interaction takes place
instantaneously. However, in letters to other luminaries of his day, he postulated an
intervening agent bewteen two approaching masses — an agent that requires a finite time
to react. In the early 17th century, the problem of understanding the interaction between
spatially separated objets appeared in a new guise, this time in discussions of the
electromagnetic interaction between charged objects. Faraday introduced the idea of a
field of force with dynamical properties. In the Faraday model, an accelerating electric
charge acts as the source of a dynamical electromagnetic field that travels at a finite speed
through space-time, and interacts with a distant charge. Energy and momentum are
thereby transferred from one charged object to another distant charged object.
Maxwell developed Faraday’s idea into a mathematical theory — the electromagnetic
theory of light — in which the speed of propagation of light appears as a fundamental
constant of Nature. His theory involves the differential equations of motion of the electric
and magnetic field vectors; the equations are not invariant under the Galilean