172 Ludtke
exist as a pair, and one file must never be renamed, moved, or
deleted without also removing its companion. When issuing
EMAN commands, either of these files may be specified.
EMAN also supports most other TEM formats such as MRC,
SPIDER, TIFF, DM3, PIF, etc. The Gatan .DM3 format is
supported, but is read-only.
16. Image sampling can be quite important. Generally speaking,
interpretable images can only be obtained up to resolutions
~3× the pixel size. That is, a 3 Å/pixel image can at best pro-
duce a 9 Å resolution reconstruction. However, sampling too
finely can also lead to a number of problems. In addition to
the obvious issue of computational inefficiency, certain algo-
rithms make assumptions about the sampling level. While
some additional oversampling, perhaps as much as 5×, should
be fine, beyond this point reconstructions may actually
become worse, not better.
17. EMAN2 has a program called e2initialmodel.py, which can
automate the entire task of initial model determination from
class-averages, but using it will require some familiarity with
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