168 Ludtke
4. Finally, we are ready to run the refinement: “refine
8 mask=<boxsize/2> hard=25 ang=<ang> pad=<as above x2>
classkeep=1 classiter=3 xfiles=<A/pix>,<mass in kDa>,99 phasecls
[sym=<sym spec>] [proc=<maxproc>]”. This is very much like
the refinement above, except our box size is now twice as
large. “ang=” may also be reduced somewhat to produce finer
angular sampling and thus more projections. Since CTF cor-
rection still is not being performed, “ang=5” is probably suf-
ficient. “classiter=” has also been reduced from 5 to 3, which
provides less protection from model bias (16), but will pro-
duce higher resolution reconstructions. There are many other
documented options which may be added for potentially
improved results, such as “amask=”, “usefilt”, and “fscls”.
5. Once the refinement is complete (this will take as much as
~10–20× longer than the earlier refinement), in addition to
examining the output files as above, the resolution of the
model should be evaluated. This process is only marginally
useful without CTF correction, but should still be completed.
The standard resolution assessment method in single-particle
analysis is to split the particle data into even and odd halves,
and do a 3-D reconstruction for each half, then compare them
with a Fourier shell correlation (FSC) function. To produce
the two reconstructions: “eotest mask=<boxsize/2> hard=25
pad=<as above x2> classkeep=1 classiter=3 xfiles=<A/pix>,<mass
in kDa>,99 phasecls [sym=<sym spec>] [proc=<maxproc>]”. The
options are a subset of the options used for refine, though this
command will take only a short time to complete.
6. To perform the FSC comparison, execute the eman browser
and select “Convergence” from the “Analysis” menu. This
will run some computations, then prompt for an Å/pixel
value. After providing this, a plot will appear. This plot will
contain one dark line and a number of thinner, lighter lines.
The dark line represents the FSC resolution test.
7. Ideally, this FSC curve will begin (low resolution) at 1.0, at
some resolution it will begin falling toward zero, and it will
oscillate randomly around zero until the end of the curve
(high resolution). In some cases, the curve will fall, but will
not reach zero, and may even move higher again. This can be
caused by either insufficient sampling (ang=too large), aggres-
sive masking (primarily if the amask=option is used aggressively
in refinement or if the box size is too small) or other arti-
facts. If the curve falls to zero, then the resolution can be
estimated as the point at which the FSC falls below 0.5 (see
Note 14).
8. The other thinner curves in this plot are not an indication of
resolution, but rather of convergence. These curves compare
each iteration with the previous iteration in the refinement