Automated Protein NMR Structure Determination in Solution
For using the routine REFINE the following parameters have
to be set:
1. Set parameters as for RELAX.
2. Set parameters for the error calculation. Here, one can choose
whether minimal error bounds plus an optional user error
should be selected (recommended for final cycles of automated
structure calculation, or fully user defined error bounds, such as
a certain percentage of the restraint distance, should be used).
AUREMOL provides an interface for performing structure calcu-
lations. Necessary input files are automatically created by
AUREMOL. The structure calculations itself are done by exter-
nal programs such as CYANA or CNS, whereas the analysis of the
resulting structures is again performed within AUREMOL.
One of the most important steps in any structure determination
project is the validation of the final and/or intermediate struc-
tures. Often the quality of an NMR structure is mainly judged by
factors such as RMSD values or the quality of the Ramachandran
plot. However, these methods do not provide a direct measure of
how well the calculated structures fit the experimental data.
Therefore, we have implemented the program RFAC (61, 77) in
AUREMOL, which automatically calculates R-factors for protein
NMR structures to provide such a measure. The automated R-factor
analysis envisaged here consists, in principle, of two separate
parts: (1) a comparison of the experimental NOESY spectrum
with the NOESY spectrum back-calculated from a given struc-
ture, and (2) the calculation of the R-factor(s) from the data. In
the first part, the NOESY spectrum has to be calculated from the
trial structure or a bundle of trial structures using the resonance
line assignments of the side- and main-chain atoms. For the algo-
rithm to work properly, these assignments have to be complete or
almost complete. In our implementation, we use the full relax-
ation matrix approach of the AUREMOL module RELAX to
obtain accurate simulated peaks defined by their positions, inten-
sities, and line shapes. The corresponding experimental NOESY
spectrum is as described above automatically peak picked and
integrated in the preprocessing stage of AUREMOL. In addition,
the probabilities p
of the peaks i to be true NMR signals and not
noise or artifact peaks are also calculated according to Bayes’ the-
orem and are used as weighting factors during the calculation of
the R-factors. For the purpose of R-factor calculation, the experi-
mental data are automatically assigned based on the correspond-
ing simulated spectrum and the sequential resonance line
assignment. Note that in difference to KNOWNOE only assign-
ments are made that could be expected from the trial structure.
The AUREMOL routine SHIFTOPT (78) is used in this process
3.10. Structure
3.11. Structure
Validation by NMR-
R-Factor Calculations