Capitulations and Western trade
Table 14.2
Ottoman exports of cotton textiles to Marseilles, 1700–1789 (in livres
1700–1702 1705–1714 1732–1740 1750–1754 1766–1772 1786–1789
Aleppo 108,000 179,400 827,700 1,326,000 1,400,500 1,696,000
Istanbul 96,300 4,800 3,100
Izmir 82,000 40,900 19,200 16,000 4,200 70,000
Sayda 18,800 2,700 10,400
Tripoli 15,700 25,200 100
Egypt 156,000 13,800 302,700 242,000 290,700 480,000
Cyprus 10,000 25,600 2,900
Greece 1,200 1,300 800
Crete 200 100 400
other 39,150 131,820 283,752
total 385,150 376,300 1,209,300 1,715,820 1,713,100 2,529,752
Sources: for 1700–2, 1750–4 and 1786–9: Paris, Histoire du commerce,p.534;for1705–14,
1732–40 and 1766–72: Fukasawa, Toilerie et commerce du Levant,pp.21–6.
Table 14.3
Shares of the major European nations in the Levant trade, 1686–1784
(in livres tournois and percentages)
France England Holland Venice Austria Others
1686 1,519,290 4,184,700 3,697,440 246,900
(per cent) 15.743.438.32.6
1749–50 2,550,868 595,850 134,164 637,421
(per cent)
1776–78 13,448,791 7,432,045 4,300,901 2,875,279 872,018 861,973
(per cent) 45.124.914.
c. 1784
(per cent)
Note: In 1776–8, ‘others’ include Sweden, Russia and Leghorn. Sources: for 1686:
Archives Nationales (AN), Affaires Etrang
eres (AE), BIII 241,pi
ece 12, Etats du com-
merce des Franc¸ais, Anglais,Hollandais et V
a Constantinople, n.d.; for 1749–50:
AN, AE, BIII 241,pi
ece 35,Etatg
eral ou total du commerce des
a Con-
stantinople compar
a celui des Franc¸ais pendant les ann
ees 1749 et 1750;for1776–8:
Archives D
epartementales des Bouches-du-Rh
one (ADBR), 41 E 4, Fonds Ollivier,
Cahier de r
eductions de poids et mesures, op
erations de change, etc., n.d.; for 1784:
McGowan, Economic Life in Ottoman Europe,p.28.
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